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feat: add sidebar component
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This means solara is much better usable for quickly creating a
data app.
Docs are updated to reflect this.
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maartenbreddels committed Jan 27, 2023
1 parent c928119 commit 58f08a6
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Showing 47 changed files with 1,246 additions and 387 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pyproject.toml
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ packages = [
{ include = "solara" }
dependencies = [
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43 changes: 4 additions & 39 deletions solara/
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
DEBUG = False

DefaultLayout = solara.AppLayout

def source_to_module(path: Path) -> ModuleType:
fullname = path.stem
mod = ModuleType(fullname)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +232,6 @@ def get_args(f):
main = wrap_in_layouts(main, layouts)
elif Page is not None:
Page = get_page(module)
args = get_args(Page)
main = solara.Div(
Expand All @@ -239,48 +241,11 @@ def get_args(f):
main = wrap_in_layouts(main, layouts)
with DefaultLayout(router_level=-1) as main:
with DefaultLayout() as main:
solara.Error(f"{module} does not have a Page component or an app element")
return main

def DefaultLayout(children: List[reacton.core.Element] = [], router_level=-1):
"""Default layout used in multipage applications.
## See
* [Multipage](/docs/howto/multipage).
* [Understanding Routing](/docs/understanding/routing).
route_current, all_routes = solara.use_route()
router = solara.use_router()
selected = router.path

with solara.HBox(grow=True) as main:
with rv.NavigationDrawer(right=False, width="400px", v_model=True, permanent=True):
with rv.List(dense=True):
with rv.ListItemGroup(v_model=selected):
for route in all_routes:
if route.children and is None:
with solara.ListItem(route.label):
for child in route.children:
path = solara.resolve_path(child)
with solara.Link(path):
title = child.label or "no label"
if callable(title):
title = "Error: dynamic title"
solara.ListItem(title, value=path)
path = solara.resolve_path(route)
with solara.Link(path):
solara.ListItem(route.label, value=path)
with solara.Padding(4):
return main

def get_page(module: ModuleType, required=True):
page = getattr(module, "Page", None)
if required and page is None:
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion solara/components/
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from .head import Head # noqa: #F401 F403
from .title import Title # noqa: #F401 F403
from .link import Link # noqa: #F401 F403
from .applayout import AppLayout # noqa: #F401 F403
from .applayout import AppLayout, Sidebar # noqa: #F401 F403
from .tab_navigation import TabNavigation # noqa: #F401 F403
from .markdown_editor import MarkdownEditor # noqa: #F401 F403
from .select import Select, SelectMultiple # noqa: #F401 F403
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248 changes: 220 additions & 28 deletions solara/components/
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@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, cast

import reacton
import reacton.core
import reacton.ipyvuetify as v
import reacton.utils
from reacton.core import Element

import solara
import solara.lab

from . import title as t

Expand All @@ -13,9 +22,114 @@ def click(*ignore):
return icon

should_use_embed = solara.create_context(False)
PortalElements = Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, Element]]]

def _set_sidebar_default(updater: Callable[[PortalElements], PortalElements]):

portal_context = solara.create_context((cast(PortalElements, {}), _set_sidebar_default))

# TODO: can we generalize the use of 'portals' ? (i.e. transporting elements from one place to another)
def use_portal() -> List[Element]:
portal_elements, set_portal_elements = solara.use_state(cast(PortalElements, {}))
portal_context.provide((portal_elements, set_portal_elements)) # type: ignore

portal_elements_flat: List[Tuple[int, Element]] = []
for uuid, value in portal_elements.items():
portal_elements_flat.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return [e[1] for e in portal_elements_flat]

def use_portal_add(children: List[Element], offset: int):
key = solara.use_unique_key(prefix="portal-")
portal_elements, set_portal_elements = solara.use_context(portal_context)
values: List[Tuple[int, Element]] = []
for i, child in enumerate(children):
values.append((offset + i, child))

# updates we do when children/offset changes
def add():
# we use the update function method, to avoid stale data
def update_dict(portal_elements):
portal_elements_updated = portal_elements.copy()
portal_elements_updated[key] = values
return portal_elements_updated


solara.use_effect(add, [values])

# cleanup we only need to do after component removal
def add_cleanup():
def cleanup():
def without(portal_elements):
portal_elements_restored = portal_elements.copy()
portal_elements_restored.pop(key, None)
return portal_elements_restored


return cleanup

solara.use_effect(add_cleanup, [])

def Sidebar(children=[]):
"""Puts its children in the sidebar of the AppLayout (or any layout that supports it).
This component does not need to be a direct child of the AppLayout, it can be at any level in your component tree.
On the website and in the Jupyter notebook, the sidebar is shown in a dialog instead (embedded mode)
## Example showing a sidebar (embedded mode)
import solara
def Page():
with solara.Column() as main:
with solara.Sidebar():
solara.Markdown("## I am in the sidebar")
solara.SliderInt(label="Ideal for placing controls")
solara.Info("I'm in the main content area, put your main content here")
return main
# TODO: generalize this, this is also used in title
level = 0
rc = reacton.core.get_render_context()
context = rc.context
while context and context.parent:
level += 1
context = context.parent
offset = 2**level
use_portal_add(children, offset)

return solara.Div(style="display; none")

def AppLayout(children=[], sidebar_open=True, title="Solara"):
"""Creates a layout with a sidebar and a main content area.
def AppLayout(
"""The default layout for Solara apps. It consists of an toolbar bar, a sidebar and a main content area.
* The title of the app is set using the [Title](/api/title) component.
* The sidebar content is set using the [Sidebar](/api/sidebar) component.
* The content is set by the `Page` component provided by the user.
This component is usually not used directly, but rather through via the [Layout system](/docs/howto/layout).
The sidebar is only added when the AppLayout has more than one child.
Expand All @@ -31,38 +145,116 @@ def AppLayout(children=[], sidebar_open=True, title="Solara"):
* `children`: The children of the AppLayout. The first child is used as the sidebar content, the rest as the main content.
* `sidebar_open`: Whether the sidebar is open or not.
* `title`: The title of the app shown in the app bar.
* `title`: The title of the app shown in the app bar, can also be set using the [Title](/api/title) component.
* `toolbar_dark`: Whether the toolbar should be dark or not.
* `navigation`: Whether the navigation tabs based on routing should be shown.
route, routes = solara.use_route()
paths = [solara.resolve_path(r, level=0) for r in routes]
location = solara.use_context(solara.routing._location_context)
embedded_mode = solara.use_context(should_use_embed)
# we cannot nest AppLayouts, so we can use the context to set the embedded mode
index = routes.index(route) if route else None

sidebar_open, set_sidebar_open = solara.use_state_or_update(sidebar_open)
use_drawer = len(children) > 1
children_content = children
children_sidebar = []
if use_drawer:
children_content = children[1:]
with v.Html(tag="div", style_="height: 100vh") as main:
with solara.HBox():
if use_drawer:
with v.NavigationDrawer(
style_="z-index: 2; min-width: 400px; max-width: 600px",
if not title:
AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open))
v.Html(tag="div", children=[children[0]])
AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open), style_="position: absolute; z-index: 2")
if title:
with v.AppBar(color="primary", dark=True, app=True, clipped_left=True, hide_on_scroll=True):
children_sidebar = children[:1]
children_sidebar = children_sidebar + use_portal()
if children_sidebar:
use_drawer = True
title = t.use_title_get() or title

if title is None and not children_sidebar and len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
if embedded_mode:
# this version doesn't need to run fullscreen
# also ideal in jupyter notebooks
with v.Html(tag="div") as main:
if title or use_drawer:

def set_path(index):
path = paths[index]
location.pathname = path

v_slots = []
if routes and navigation:
with v.Tabs(v_model=index, on_v_model=set_path, centered=True) as tabs:
for route in routes:
name = route.path if route.path != "/" else "Home"
v_slots = [{"name": "extension", "children": tabs}]
with v.AppBar(color="primary" if toolbar_dark else None, dark=toolbar_dark, v_slots=v_slots):
if use_drawer:
icon = AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open), v_on="x.on")
with v.Menu(
v_slots=[{"name": "activator", "variable": "x", "children": [icon]}],
v.Html(tag="div", children=children_sidebar, style_="background-color: white; padding: 12px; min-width: 400px")
if title:
with v.Row(no_gutters=False):
v.Col(cols=12, children=children_content)
with v.Html(tag="div", style_="height: 100vh") as main:
with solara.HBox():
if use_drawer:
AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open))
with v.Content():
v.Col(cols=12, children=children_content)
with v.NavigationDrawer(
style_="z-index: 2; min-width: 400px; max-width: 600px",
# disable_resize_watcher=True,
if not title:
AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open))
v.Html(tag="div", children=children_sidebar, style_="padding: 12px;").meta(ref="sidebar-content")
AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open), style_="position: absolute; z-index: 2")
if title or routes:

def set_path(index):
path = paths[index]
location.pathname = path

v_slots = []
if routes:
with v.Tabs(v_model=index, on_v_model=set_path, centered=True) as tabs:
for route in routes:
name = route.path if route.path != "/" else "Home"
v_slots = [{"name": "extension", "children": tabs}]
with v.AppBar(color="primary", dark=True, app=True, clipped_left=True, hide_on_scroll=True, v_slots=v_slots):
if use_drawer:
AppIcon(sidebar_open, on_click=lambda: set_sidebar_open(not sidebar_open))
if title:
with v.Content():
v.Col(cols=12, children=children_content)
return main

def _AppLayoutEmbed(children=[], sidebar_open=True, title=None):
"""Forces the embed more for a AppLayout. This is used by default in Jupyter."""
return AppLayout(children=children, sidebar_open=sidebar_open, title=title)

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion solara/components/
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name

import solara
import solara.components.applayout

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Expand All @@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ def _run_solara(code):
app = local_scope["app"]
elif "Page" in local_scope:
Page = local_scope["Page"]
app = Page()
app = solara.components.applayout._AppLayoutEmbed(children=[Page()])
raise NameError("No Page of app defined")
box = v.Html(tag="div")
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