🔭 I am working as an astrophysicist at MPE in Munich, Germany, where I have done my PhD followed by a PostDoc position. I have worked as a data scientist of observational and instrumental data. I was part of many instrumentation projects, mostly on the optical interferometer GRAVITY that is observing black holes from the VLTI observatory in Chile.
🌱 I am looking for a career change and developing new skills.
GravityPy: Python package to analyze and fit data from the optical interferometer GRAVITY. All data from the Galactic Center Project at MPE was analyzed with this package.
VLTIpol: Calibration package to correct observations from the VLTI observatory and the GRAVITY instrument for instrumental polarization. The work leading into this code can be found in the accompanying publication in A&A.
GRAVITY-Phasemaps: Application of the correction for optical aberrations in GRAVITY, following our publication in A&A.
P-Rex: A project from back in the days of my Masters Thesis, where I tested if atmospheric measurements can be used in a novel way to improve interferometry, published in MNRAS.