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Added docstrings, and updated ICAGDeriv as in JuliaStats#122
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wildart committed Jan 20, 2022
1 parent 2c32f5a commit d28db09
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 63 deletions.
205 changes: 142 additions & 63 deletions src/ica.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,65 +1,122 @@
# Independent Component Analysis

#### FastICA type
This type contains ICA model parameters: mean and component matrix ``W``.
struct ICA{T<:Real}
**Note:** Each column of the component matrix ``W`` corresponds to an independent component.
struct ICA{T<:Real} <: LinearDimensionalityReduction
mean::Vector{T} # mean vector, of length m (or empty to indicate zero mean)
W::Matrix{T} # component coefficient matrix, of size (m, k)
function show(io::IO, M::ICA)
indim, outdim = size(M)
print("ICA(indim=$indim, outdim=$outdim)")

Returns a tuple with the input dimension, *i.e* the number of observed mixtures, and
the output dimension, *i.e* the number of independent components.
size(M::ICA) = size(M.W)

indim(M::ICA) = size(M.W, 1)
outdim(M::ICA) = size(M.W, 2)
mean(M::ICA) = fullmean(indim(M), M.mean)
Returns the mean vector.
mean(M::ICA) = fullmean(size(M,1), M.mean)

transform(M::ICA, x::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}) = transpose(M.W) * centralize(x, M.mean)
predict(M::ICA, x)
Transform `x` to the output space to extract independent components,
as ``\\mathbf{W}^T (\\mathbf{x} - \\boldsymbol{\\mu})`, given the model `M`.
predict(M::ICA, x::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}) = transpose(M.W) * centralize(x, M.mean)

#### core algorithm

# the abstract type for all g functions:
# Let f be an instance of such type, then
# evaluate(f, x) --> (v, d)
# It returns a function value v, and derivative d
abstract type ICAGDeriv{T<:Real} end

struct Tanh{T} <: ICAGDeriv{T}
The abstract type for all `g` (derivative) functions.
Let `g` be an instance of such type, then `update!(g, U, E)` given
- `U = w'x`
returns updated in-place `U` and `E`, s.t.
- `g(w'x) --> U` and `E{g'(w'x)} --> E`
abstract type ICAGDeriv end

Derivative for ``(1/a_1)\\log\\cosh a_1 u``
struct Tanh{T} <: ICAGDeriv
function update!(f::Tanh{T}, U::AbstractMatrix{T}, E::AbstractVector{T}) where {T}
n,k = size(U)
a = f.a
@inbounds for j in 1:k
_s = zero(T)
@fastmath for i in 1:n
t = tanh(a * U[i,j])
U[i,j] = t
_s += a * (1 - t^2)
E[j] = _s / n

evaluate(f::Tanh{T}, x::T) where T<:Real = (a = f.a; t = tanh(a * x); (t, a * (1 - t * t)))
Derivative for ``-e^{-u^2/2)``
struct Gaus <: ICAGDeriv end
function update!(f::Gaus, U::AbstractMatrix{T}, E::AbstractVector{T}) where {T}
n,k = size(U)
@inbounds for j in 1:k
_s = zero(T)
for i in 1:n
u = U[i,j]
u2 = u^2
e = exp(-u2/2)
U[i,j] = u * e
_s += (1 - u2) * e
E[j] = _s / n

struct Gaus{T} <: ICAGDeriv{T} end
evaluate(f::Gaus{T}, x::T) where T<:Real = (x2 = x * x; e = exp(-x2/2); (x * e, (1 - x2) * e))

## a function to get a g-fun
# Fast ICA

icagfun(fname::Symbol, ::Type{T} = Float64) where T<:Real=
fname == :tanh ? Tanh{T}(1.0) :
fname == :gaus ? Gaus{T}() :
error("Unknown gfun $(fname)")
fastica!(W, X, fun, maxiter, tol, verbose)
icagfun(fname::Symbol, a::T) where T<:Real =
fname == :tanh ? Tanh(a) :
fname == :gaus ? error("The gfun $(fname) has no parameters") :
error("Unknown gfun $(fname)")
Invoke the Fast ICA algorithm[^1].
# Fast ICA
# Reference:
# Aapo Hyvarinen and Erkki Oja
# Independent Component Analysis: Algorithms and Applications.
# Neural Network 13(4-5), 2000.
function fastica!(W::DenseMatrix{T}, # initialized component matrix, size (m, k)
X::DenseMatrix{T}, # (whitened) observation sample matrix, size(m, n)
fun::ICAGDeriv{T}, # approximate neg-entropy functor
maxiter::Int, # maximum number of iterations
tol::Real) where T<:Real# convergence tolerance
- `W`: The initial un-mixing matrix, of size ``(m, k)``. The function updates this matrix inplace.
- `X`: The data matrix, of size ``(m, n)``. This matrix is input only, and won't be modified.
- `fun`: The approximate neg-entropy functor of type [`ICAGDeriv`](@ref).
- `maxiter`: Maximum number of iterations.
- `tol`: Tolerable change of `W` at convergence.
Returns the updated `W`.
**Note:** The number of components is inferred from `W` as `size(W, 2)`.
function fastica!(W::DenseMatrix{T}, # initialized component matrix, size (m, k)
X::DenseMatrix{T}, # (whitened) observation sample matrix, size(m, n)
fun::ICAGDeriv, # approximate neg-entropy functor
maxiter::Int, # maximum number of iterations
tol::Real) where {T<:Real} # convergence tolerance

# argument checking
m = size(W, 1)
Expand All @@ -71,7 +128,7 @@ function fastica!(W::DenseMatrix{T}, # initialized component matrix, size (
@debug "FastICA Algorithm" m=m n=n k=k

# pre-allocated storage
Wp = Matrix{T}(undef, m, k) # to store previous version of W
Wp = similar(W) # to store previous version of W
U = Matrix{T}(undef, n, k) # to store w'x & g(w'x)
Y = Matrix{T}(undef, m, k) # to store E{x g(w'x)} for components
E1 = Vector{T}(undef, k) # store E{g'(w'x)} for components
Expand All @@ -83,7 +140,7 @@ function fastica!(W::DenseMatrix{T}, # initialized component matrix, size (

# main loop
chg = NaN
chg = T(NaN)
t = 0
converged = false
while !converged && t < maxiter
Expand All @@ -94,34 +151,24 @@ function fastica!(W::DenseMatrix{T}, # initialized component matrix, size (
mul!(U, transpose(X), W) # u <- w'x

# compute g(w'x) --> U and E{g'(w'x)} --> E1
_s = 0.0
for j = 1:k
for i = 1:n
u, v = evaluate(fun, U[i,j])
U[i,j] = u
_s += v
E1[j] = _s / n
update!(fun, U, E1)

# compute E{x g(w'x)} --> Y
rmul!(mul!(Y, X, U), 1.0 / n)
rmul!(mul!(Y, X, U), 1 / n)

# update w: E{x g(w'x)} - E{g'(w'x)} w := y - e1 * w
# update w: E{x g(w'x)} - E{g'(w'x)}w, i.e. w := y - e1 * w
for j = 1:k
w = view(W,:,j)
y = view(Y,:,j)
e1 = E1[j]
for i = 1:m
w[i] = y[i] - e1 * w[i]
@. w = y - e1 * w

# symmetric decorrelation: W <- W * (W'W)^{-1/2}
copyto!(W, W * _invsqrtm!(W'W))

# compare with Wp to evaluate a conversion change
chg = maximum(abs.(abs.(diag(W*Wp')) .- 1.0))
chg = maximum(abs.(abs.(diag(W*Wp')) .- 1))
converged = (chg < tol)

@debug "Iteration $t" change=chg tolerance=tol
Expand All @@ -131,16 +178,47 @@ function fastica!(W::DenseMatrix{T}, # initialized component matrix, size (

#### interface function

function fit(::Type{ICA}, X::AbstractMatrix{T}, # sample matrix, size (m, n)
fit(ICA, X, k; ...)
Perform ICA over the data set given in `X`.
-`X`: The data matrix, of size ``(m, n)``. Each row corresponds to a mixed signal,
while each column corresponds to an observation (*e.g* all signal value at a particular time step).
-`k`: The number of independent components to recover.
**Keyword Arguments:**
- `alg`: The choice of algorithm (*default* `:fastica`)
- `fun`: The approx neg-entropy functor (*default* [`Tanh`](@ref))
- `do_whiten`: Whether to perform pre-whitening (*default* `true`)
- `maxiter`: Maximum number of iterations (*default* `100`)
- `tol`: Tolerable change of ``W`` at convergence (*default* `1.0e-6`)
- `mean`: The mean vector, which can be either of:
- `0`: the input data has already been centralized
- `nothing`: this function will compute the mean (*default*)
- a pre-computed mean vector
- `winit`: Initial guess of ``W``, which should be either of:
- empty matrix: the function will perform random initialization (*default*)
- a matrix of size ``(k, k)`` (when `do_whiten`)
- a matrix of size ``(m, k)`` (when `!do_whiten`)
Returns the resultant ICA model, an instance of type [`ICA`](@ref).
**Note:** If `do_whiten` is `true`, the return `W` satisfies
``\\mathbf{W}^T \\mathbf{C} \\mathbf{W} = \\mathbf{I}``,
otherwise ``W`` is orthonormal, *i.e* ``\\mathbf{W}^T \\mathbf{W} = \\mathbf{I}``.
function fit(::Type{ICA}, X::AbstractMatrix{T}, # sample matrix, size (m, n)
k::Int; # number of independent components
alg::Symbol=:fastica, # choice of algorithm
fun::ICAGDeriv=icagfun(:tanh, T), # approx neg-entropy functor
fun::ICAGDeriv=Tanh(one(T)), # approx neg-entropy functor
do_whiten::Bool=true, # whether to perform pre-whitening
maxiter::Integer=100, # maximum number of iterations
tol::Real=1.0e-6, # convergence tolerance
mean=nothing, # pre-computed mean
winit::Matrix{T}=zeros(T,0,0)) where T<:Real # init guess of W, size (m, k)
winit::Matrix{T}=zeros(T,0,0) # init guess of W, size (m, k)
) where {T<:Real}

# check input arguments
m, n = size(X)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,3 +255,4 @@ function fit(::Type{ICA}, X::AbstractMatrix{T}, # sample matrix,
return ICA(mv, W)

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