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📚GPT-assisted source screening for scoping reviews


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GPTscreenR is an R package that uses OpenAI’s GPT large language model to screen titles and abstracts for scoping reviews.


GPTscreenR requires the lemur package. You can install the development version of lemur from GitHub with:


You can install the development version of GPTscreenR from GitHub with:


GPTscreenR is not currently available on CRAN.

OpenAI API key

Using GPTscreenR requires an OpenAI API key, which you must store in an R environmental variable called OPENAI_API_KEY. OpenAI charges fees to use their API. To obtain and set up an API key:

  1. Create an OpenAI account, if you don’t have one already.
  2. Once you have created and signed in to your account, go to the View API Keys page.
  3. Click on the ‘Create new secret key’ button.
  4. Give your new key a name, for example ‘GPTscreenR’, and click ‘Create secret key’.
  5. The page will display your new secret API key. You must copy the key now, as it will never be displayed again.
  6. Store your API key in an R environmental variable by adding the following line to your .Renviron file: OPENAI_API_KEY=<your secret API key goes here>. There are a few different ways to edit this file:
    1. On any operating system, you can use the function usethis::edit_r_environ() from the usethis package to open and edit your .Renviron file.
    2. On macOS or Linux, you can create or edit a file in your home directory called ~/.Renviron.
    3. You can also make an .Renviron file for a particular project. I strongly recommend that you do not check this file into a version control system like git, as this means other people with access to the repository (including the public, if the repository is publicly accessible) can see your secret key.

To check that you have set the environmental variable successfully, open a new R session and load GPTscreenR with library(GPTscreenR). You should see the following message:

✔ The `OPENAI_API_KEY` environmental variable is set

If instead you see:

✖ The `OPENAI_API_KEY` environmental variable is not set

this means the environmental variable has not been set correctly. Note that this does not check whether or not you have stored a valid key.

Screening sources

‘Source’ is the term used in GPTscreenR for any published scholarly work, such as an article, review, or letter, which might be considered for inclusion in a scoping review. There are three steps to use GPTscreenR to help screen source titles and abstracts for inclusion. First, you must write a description of your review, so that GPT knows what sorts of sources should be included and excluded. Second, you must prepare a data frame of your sources including their titles and abstracts. Third, you must ask GPT to screen each source against your review description.

Review description

Begin by writing a description of your review and storing it in a variable. This can be as simple as a few sentences describing the aims of your review. However, the more detailed and specific your review description, the better GPT is likely to perform in screening sources, and if you are using GPT to screen sources in parallel with human reviewers it should be given the same guidelines that are given to the humans. If you have specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, for example for certain source types or languages, these should be included.

The GPTscreenR package provides a function review_description() to help in compiling a review description using the Population, Concept, and Context (PCC) framework for scoping reviews. Here is an example of using review_description() to generate a PCC review description:

alpaca_review_description <- review_description(
  objective = "This scoping review will examine the existing primary research
  on the role of therapy alpacas in enhancing the mental health and emotional
  well-being of elderly residential aged care facility residents",
  population = "Elderly people living in residential aged care facilities.
  'Elderly' is defined as 65 years of age or older.",
  context = "Residential aged care facilities that have used therapy alpacas as
  part of their programme of care for residents. 'Residential aged care
  facility' is defined as a residential setting intended as a long-term place
  of residence for elderly people which includes provision of support for
  activities of daily living (e.g. meal preparation, bathing, housekeeping) and
  nursing support (e.g. medication management). Such facilities will also
  typically offer other structured programmes and facilities to provide
  entertainment, diversion, and wellbeing. It excludes other residential
  settings intended for elderly people that do no provide daily living or
  nursing supports (e.g. independent living villages) or that are not long-term
  (e.g. hospitals or hospices).",
  concept = "The impact of therapy alpaca programmes on stress reduction,
  emotional well-being, mental health, overall life satisfaction, or similar
  outcomes for residents."

Data frame of sources

Your sources should be stored in a data frame that includes columns named ‘title’ and ‘abstract’. For example:

title abstract include
Alpaca My Bags and Leave: Therapy Alpaca Programmes May Improve Resident Retention and Self-Reported Quality of Life in Residential Aged Care Facilities Private Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) in Western countries often struggle to retain residents due to high rates of lifestyle dissatisfaction. This observational study investigated the effect of therapy alpaca programs on resident retention and self-reported quality of life (QOL) in private residential aged care facilities. Data were collected from a sample of elderly residents in two matched facilities in Sydney, Australia, one with an established therapy alpaca program and one without. Resident retention rates were compared over a 12-month period, and self-reported QOL was assessed using a standardized questionnaire. The results indicated that the facility with the therapy alpaca program had significantly higher resident retention rates than the comparison facility. Additionally, residents in the facility with the therapy alpaca program reported higher QOL scores related to emotional well-being and overall life satisfaction. The study suggests that implementing therapy alpaca programs may contribute to improved resident retention and QOL in residential aged care facilities. TRUE
… … …

Screening sources against your review description

The main function of GPTscreenR is screen_sources(). This takes the data frame of package sources and the review description, and uses GPT to screen the source titles and abstracts. It returns a data frame that includes GPT’s recommendation on whether to include or exclude the source. By default, screen_sources() will create a file called sources_cache.rds to cache the results of screening, which allows screening to be split across multiple sessions and to recover from interruptions.

alpaca_results <- screen_sources(alpaca_sources, alpaca_review_description)
title abstract include GPT_conversation GPT_recommendation
Alpaca My Bags and Leave: Therapy Alpaca Programmes May Improve Resident Retention and Self-Reported Quality of Life in Residential Aged Care Facilities Private Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) in Western countries often struggle to retain residents due to high rates of lifestyle dissatisfaction. This observational study investigated the effect of therapy alpaca programs on resident retention and self-reported quality of life (QOL) in private residential aged care facilities. Data were collected from a sample of elderly residents in two matched facilities in Sydney, Australia, one with an established therapy alpaca program and one without. Resident retention rates were compared over a 12-month period, and self-reported QOL was assessed using a standardized questionnaire. The results indicated that the facility with the therapy alpaca program had significantly higher resident retention rates than the comparison facility. Additionally, residents in the facility with the therapy alpaca program reported higher QOL scores related to emotional well-being and overall life satisfaction. The study suggests that implementing therapy alpaca programs may contribute to improved resident retention and QOL in residential aged care facilities. TRUE GPT_mssg INCLUDE
… … … … …

The output of screen_sources() is a data frame identical to the data frame of sources but with two additional columns. ‘GPT_conversation’ is a list-column, each element of which is a GPT_mssg object containing the full conversation between the GPTscreenR packages and GPT. This can be useful for understanding how GPT came to a particular recommendation. The GPT_recommendation column contains either ‘INCLUDE’ or ‘EXCLUDE’, representing GPT’s recommendation for each source.

LLM service and model

By default, GPTscreenR uses the OpenAI chat API with the gpt-4o model. Alternative LLM services, including the OpenAI assistants API and local LLMs with ollama, can be selected using the service argument to screen(). The model can be set with the model argument to screen().

Please consider contributing your scoping review data

If you’ve used GPTscreenR to help screen sources for a scoping review, please consider contributing some data to help monitor GPTscreenR’s performance in real-world screening and guide future improvements to the package. All you need to contribute are:

  • The review description
  • The list of sources that were screened at the title and abstract level, including at least:
    • The title
    • The abstract
    • The consensus decision by human reviewers to include or exclude the source

In recognition of your contribution, a citation to your review will be added to the GPTscreenR README. Of course, you are not expected to release data publicly until your review is published.

If you have any questions, or to contribute data now, send an email to or open a new issue.


📚GPT-assisted source screening for scoping reviews



Unknown, MIT licenses found

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