A curated list of awesome SAR software, libraries, and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python.
Software and libraries for interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)
- GMT5SAR - InSAR processing system based on GMT.
- ISCE - InSAR Scientific Computing Environment.
- SNAP - Sentinel Application Platform.
- Doris - Delft object-oriented radar interferomtric software.
- Gamma - Gamma Remote Sensing SAR and Interferometry Software.
Software and libraries for polarimetric and polarimetric interferometric SAR (PolSAR / PolInSAR)
- PolSARPro - The ESA Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Tool
- RAT - RAT Radar Tools (discontinued)
Software and libraries for multitemporal/time series InSAR analysis
- GIAnT - Generic InSAR Analysis Toolbox.
- PyRate - A Python tool for Rate and Time-series Estimation
- PySAR - InSAR time-series analysis in python.
- SARPROZ - The SAR PROcessing tool by periZ
- StaMPS/MTI - Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers
Software and libraries for performing tropospheric noise corrections
- PyAPS - Python based Atmospheric Phase Screen Estimation.
- TRAIN - Toolbox for Reducing Atmospheric InSAR Noise - git-version.
Libraries useful for geospatial and post-processing analysis of SAR data
- ASF Map Ready - MapReady Remote Sensing Tool Kit
- GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- GMT - Generic Mapping Tools
Collect and classify open projects on GitHub related to SAR
Data discovery and download
- SSARA - Seamless SAR Archive project repository
- ArchiveTools - Scripts for downloading and searching data
- SentinelSat - Search and download Sentinel images from the command line or with the Python API.
Software and Utilities
- PyRAT - General purpose SAR postprocessing framework
- adore-doris
- ISCE_utils
- s1tbx
- ROI_PAC-Sentinel1
- insar_scripts
- RapidSAR
- gmtsar2stamps
- pygmtsar - Python scripts for GMTSAR processing
- GIPhT - General Inversion of Phase Technique
- RaySAR - 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Simulator
- kite - Tectonic displacement modelling, quadtree subsampling and covariance analysis
System configuration and installation
- insar_instal - Set of scripts that automatically install InSAR softwares
- isce_notes - Installation notes of ISCE software
- oldLinuxSetup - Setup python environment using anaconda on old linux machines
- ElCaptanSetup - Instructions for setting up an OS X El Capitan machine from scratch
Where to discover new SAR libraries and resources.
- ASF - Alaska Satellite Facility
- DLR Geohazards Supersites - TerraSAR-X Geohazard Supersites EO Data Gateway
- ESA Virtual Archive 4 - Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories Virtual Archive
- SciHub - Sentinel Scientific Data Hub
- UNAVCO/WInSAR - WInSAR consortium and GeoEarthScope Data
Training and Tutorials
Processing Recipes for Automatic Product Generation
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.