A simple and efficient DB module for chatbot development.
KT 9.0.0 is native supported.
note: this project is currently in alpha state, it might be unstable or lacking features.
ROOTED device
MessengerBot R (with API2, recommended)
const modules = require('index');
const kakaoDB = new modules.KakaoDB();
//10000 <= returns current chat_logs row count
//[object Object] <= returns last row of chat_logs table in JSON format
kakaoDB.get('chat_logs', 10000);
//[object Object] <= returns 10000th row of chat_logs table in JSON format
kakaoDB.get('chat_logs', '1234567890123456789', {
id: 'id'
//[object Object] <= returns chat_logs row with id=1234567890123456789 in JSON format
kakaoDB.get('chat_logs', null, {
query: 'SELECT * FROM chat_logs WHERE id = 1234567890123456789'
//[object Object] <= returns chat_logs row with id=1234567890123456789 in JSON format
kakaoDB.get('chat_logs', null, {
query: 'SELECT * FROM chat_logs WHERE user_id = 123456789',
range: [3/*, true*/] //if true added, it will return last matching rows in descending orders instead of first
//[[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]] <= returns first 3 JSON in array format
table name | default key | location |
chat_logs | _id | DB1 |
friends | id | DB2 |
chat_rooms | id | DB1 |
open_link | id | DB2 |
Since decrypting / parsing impacts performance, getter is used to calculate key values just-in-time.
#data = {
__reference__: {},
__primitive__: {},
__props__: {},
get __data__() {
for (let i in this.__primitive__) this[i];
return this.__reference__;
So, it's not recommended to call unused keys.
If you want to batch print all keys, use __data__
JSON.stringify(kakaoDB.get('chat_logs').__data__, null, 4);
"v": {
"notDecoded": false,
"origin": "MSG",
"c": "01-23 01:23:45",
"isSingleDefaultEmoticon": false,
"defaultEmoticonsCount": 0,
"isMine": false,
"enc": 30
"_id": 12345,
"id": "1234567890123456789",
"type": 1,
"chat_id": "123456789012345",
"user_id": "123456789",
"message": "~~~",
"attachment": "null",
"created_at": 1234567890,
"deleted_at": 0,
"client_message_id": 123456789,
"prev_id": "1234567890123456788",
"referer": "0",
"supplement": null
Preset for advanced users: kakao-db/preset.js