LSP inline hints for Lua, intended for use with Neovim.
Now that inline hints are working in Neovim nightly, I figured I'd attempt to build an LSP-adjacent project. Luahint provides inline parameter hints via LSP, and potentially more in the future. It's a work in progress right now, but here's a screenshot:
- Basic function parameter hints
- Index entire runtime (currently only indexes single file)
- Table function parameter hints
- Method parameter hints
- Metamethod parameter hints
- Emmylua type hints
With lazy.nvim
build = "cargo install --path=./",
config = true
-- or opts = { ... }
Luahint comes with the following defaults:
-- string[] | string
-- Autocommands that should trigger a refresh
update = {
-- boolean
-- Whether to enable the plugin at startup
enabled_at_startup = true,
-- fun(): string
-- Function to determine the root directory of the project
root_dir = vim.fn.getcwd,
local hints = require("luahint")
-- show the hints
-- hide the hints
-- toggle the hints