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whynot2018 edited this page Jun 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

Advanced setup & usage topics

WiFi configuration

For this you need to modify the contents of the SD-Card for wireless networking. Shutdown omnipy and put the sd card in a reader on your computer.

  1. Head over to the "boot" partition on the sdcard, and create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf with the following content:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Now you can boot from this sd card and omnipy will connect to the wireless network as well as bluetooth tethering.

Console connection

Use an ssh client to connect to the raspberry pi.

A common windows based program to SSH is PUTTY In putty, enter the IP address for the PI (ex. and leave port at 22.

If you have MacOS, you can just use the built in terminal app.

(Note it is also sensible to install an SSH app on the Android phone to enable you to check on the pi and fix any errors when out & about. I would recommend the Termius app).

If your ssh client (PUTTY, termius, terminal, etc) is successful at connecting, you will be prompted for the login ID and password for the PI. The default user is 'pi' and the default password is 'omnipy'

Back up the sd card

Once the complete configuration done, it can be useful to clone the SD card as a backup in case of hardware failure (sd card, rpi 0 w...) - follow the instructions at

Turn BT tethering on automatically after restart

Some have reported that their phone (eg SamsungS7) does not maintain the bluetooth tether on restart. The BT AutoTether app (from Play store) may help with this - tick the Raspberry pi bluetooth device to maintain ongoing tether)

Checking your RL:

Once you have finished the original set up, you can still check the RL connection through the command line

python3 ~/omnipy/

Downloading logs from Raspberry pi:

If you need to download / email logs from the pi, then I suggest you use WinSCP on Windows, Filezilla on a mac, or Andftp on Android (from Play store). Leave your pi running, and use WinSCP/Filezilla/Andftp to connect to the pi. This will bring up a file browser window on your Windows/mac machine or phone from which you can copy / drag files from the pi.

If you need to send one of the developers a log, relevant files are in the ~/omnipy/data directory - there are a number of files which are need in that folder.

How to figure out your bluetooth ip address only with your Android phone

After you build your bluetooth connection with bluetooth tethering. It must be one connected tethered device in your tethering list. This is your rig.

Now you need to install (from the Play Store Termius app). In Termius app select with tap Connect bar and under the list Utilities select Local Terminal then you will see black screen command line herolte:/storage/emulated/0 $

now copy and past this command

for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 192.168.44.$ip>/dev/null; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "192.168.44.$ip UP" || : ; done

for paste tap any place in the black screen it will be paste popped up and then enter. Now you have to wait a bit first you will get your phone ip address UP after a wail you will see something like UPthat's your rig ip address.You can enter this ip address in AAPS Omnipy Connection Set address manually.

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