Implementation of game "Paper-Rock-Scissors" for production deployments.
Basic user flow:
- User access application over terminal or TCP connection;
- User enter number of games to play;
- For each game user enter ROOK, PAPER or SCISSORS, see opponent response and game result;
- After enting of all games user see termination message;
Since requirement is to have production application was decided to create a solution based on next technology stack:
- Java 16 - modern language with a lot of useful libraries;
- Spring Boot - to get dependency injection, configuration management, runtime metrics exporting and posibilities to extend in future;
- Gradle - build tool which focus on usabilitiy and extensibility;
- Apache Commons - common set of libraries which handle operations with strings, input streams;
- javatuples - library which provide Pairs, Tuples;
- Lombok - library which help to reduce generated code;
- Micrometer - library for metrics store;
- Docker - software to package applications in containers;
- Kubernetes - software to orchestrate containers deployment;
- Kustomize - Kubernetes native configuration management;
To ensure code quality, during building of artifacts are used libraries and approaches to track quality state:
- JUnit - library to write unit test;
- Mockito - library to generate mocks for existing code;
- Hamcrest - advanced assertions library;
- Jacoco - plugin to Gradle used to generate reports with code coverage
- In order to access appliation deployed on multiple servers, was introduced additional interface over TCP, plain text communication;
Game rules implementation is in class
which implements Rules
interface, decoupling in impl
and interface was introduced to add posibility for future extension - for example adding new rules.
To model application flow were introduced multiple model classes(package
- PlayerChoice - enum with possible user inputs
- SessionState - state of game session: in progress, finished etc.
- WinResult - one game result(PLAYER1 value - represent that player1 won);
State of one game is saved in
which contains instance of rules, state of game, players.
State of Session instance is update on each invocation of update()
To allow future extensibility, is used approach subsribers and events generated from Session during state update - this allow to add for example to each game session listener which will count statistics accross parallel games.
Game players are represented through HumanPlayer
, both instances implement Player
- HumanPlayer - represent inputs obtained from player, instance constructed with input/output streams, also it is subscribed for session events and prints to output updates;
- CpuPlayer - represent opponent in game, currenty it is generating randomly one of
Players can be extended with other implementations for example with more advanced logic for CpuPlayer
Game sessions are created and managed by ConsoleGameService
and/or TcpGameService
- ConsoleGameService - handle interaction from terminal;
- TcpGameService - handle requests over TCP;
Both classes inherit common code from AbstractGameServiceImpl
for session creation.
For counting game related statistics, is used StatisticsService
which is subscribed to all game sessions and provide collected metrics as Prometheus counters.
Application configurations are stored in application.yaml
file and allow to configure application services:
- enable/disable services which accept players over console/tcp;
- configure number of parallel players;
- change exposed ports;
To allow future extensions to other markets, all messages generated by application were extracted as constants in class
and in future can be updated to contain translations in different languages.
Structure of default Java project:
- src/main/* - main application source code and configuration files;
- src/test/* - application test code;
- kubernetes - Kubernetes resources to deploy application;
To build project locally, run:
./gradlew clean build
To start project locally, run:
java -jar ./build/libs/prs-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Note: application can be also started through gradle task ./gradlew bootRun
but terminal interation will not be available.
To build applicaton container, run
it will automatically build and tag container based on git hash.
Run container application:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 6969:6969 denis256/paper-rock-scissors:latest
Prerequisite: running K8S cluster, kubectl configured to access cluster.
Deployment of Kustomize resources:
kubectl -n <deployment-namespace> apply -k kubernetes
configmap/app-config-xxx created
service/game-service created
deployment.apps/paper-rock-scissors created
Check status of pods:
kubectl -n <deployment-namespace> get pods
- over terminal
- over tcp, with telnet
telnet localhost 6969
- over http, to get metrics/health status http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
- in case of Kubernetes deployments, can be used NodePort ``
List of future improvements:
- separation of integration tests as separated module and execution against fully started application;
- asyncronous handling of users by using Nio servers, like Netty;
- usage of IMGD(like Apache Geode, Hazelcast) for saving game session and restoring it on other node;
- saving of statistics from each application in one common place;
- CI/CD pipeline for automated test execution and monitoring of code quality;
- service monitors configuration for Prometheus and Grafana dashboards to show status of applications;
- split in multiple modules for like game rules, interface;