This repository contains a Matlab implementation of the SMI regularization as described in our paper.
Squared-loss Mutual Information Regularization: A Novel Information-theoretic Approach to Semi-supervised Learning
Gang Niu, Wittawat Jitkrittum, Bo Dai, Hirotaka Hachiya, Masashi Sugiyama
ICML, 2013
The goal of this project is to learn a multi-class probabilistic classifier in a semi-supervised learning setting. We observe labeled data {(x_1, y_1), ... (x_l, y_l)}, and a lot of unlabelded data {x_{l+1}, x_{l+2}, ...}. The goal is to make use of the abundant unlabeled data to learn a better classifier. In our framework of squared-loss mutual information (SMI) regularization, we learn a classifier such that the following two criteria are respected (with some tradeoff):
- The predictive loss on the class labels is minimized.
- A squared-loss version of the mutual information between the unlabeled data, and the class labels is maximized.
Advantages of this approach are: 1. analytic solution, 2. out-of-sample classification, 3. probabilistic output. All parameters are automatically tuned by cross validation.
- Clone or download this repository. You will get the
folder. - In Matlab, change the directory to the
folder. Executestartup.m
script by running the commandstartup
. - Run the demo script
to see a demonstration on the two-moon dataset.
The demo script demo_smir_msd_cv.m
considers the two-moon
toy example.
This is a 2D two-class classification problem.
The training set contains only 6 labeled points shown in the next figure.
Here, the black dots are unlabeled points.
After training, the learned classifier has the following decision boundary. Note that a learned classifier can be applied to any unseen input point.
Since the output of the classifier is a conditional probablity p(y|x), we can plot the entropy of this conditional distribution for all points x. Red color denotes a high entropy (less confident) region.
The code is as follows. See the comments below to understand what each line means.
% load 2moons data.
load a_2moons_1;
% Inside, X is the input matrix 2x556 (dxn).
% Y is 1x556 containing full labels. Y0 is 1x6 containing labels for only
% the first 6 points in X (3 for each class).
% We will use Y0 for training.
hold on
% Here is the plot of the training data.
plot2dlabels(X, Y0);
title('Training data');
hold off
% Array of Gaussian width candidates for cross validation.
med = meddistance(X);
o.gaussianwidthlist = med*[1/3, 1/2];
% array of gamma's to try
o.gammalist = 10.^[-2, -1];
% Array of lambdafactors. Each of this value v will be used to calculate
% lambda = \gamma*c/n + v (c is the number of classes, n is the sample size).
% This is to ensure the convexity of the problem.
o.lambdafactorlist = 10.^[-5, -3];
% Number of folds in cross validation used to select gamma and Gaussian
% width
o.fold = 2;
% Perform cross validation (In this case, CV is performed using only 6 labeled points
% in 2moons data).
SMG = smir_cv( X, Y0, o);
% SMG is a struct containing information obtained after doing cross
% validation. Here is an example of what it looks like inside SMG.
% A: [556x2 double]
% Beta: [556x2 double]
% Options: [1x1 struct]
% bestgamma: 1.0000e-03
% bestgaussianwidth: 0.4803
% bestlambdafactor: 0.0100
% mincverr: 0.5000
% q: [function_handle]
% timecpu: 0.3900
% timetictoc: 0.1864
% In particular the most important is q, a function handle which can be
% applied to new test (unseen) points in a matrix of the form d x n'
% Get the model trained with the best parameters chosen by the cross
% validation.
condProbFunc = SMG.q;
% Note that in general the learned model of SMIR can be applied to
% unseen points. But here, for demonstration purpose, we test it on the
% matrix X.
Yprob = condProbFunc(X);
% The result Yprob will be a c x n' matrix. Yprob(i,j) indicates the
% probability that example j belongs to class i.
% Here we convert the result to the most probable classes.
[Temp, Yh] = max(Yprob, [] , 1); % Yh is now 1 x n' whose entries are in {1,..,c}
% Plot the labeled results
hold on
plot2dlabels(X, Yh);
title('Test results');
hold off
% Make an entropy plot to see which region the model is
% confident in predicting. Blue denotes low entropy region (high
% confident).
plot2dentropy(X, Y0, condProbFunc);
% In this plot, the red S-shape region path is running in between
% the two moons. It has high entropy since the region lies between the two
% classes. Entropy is relatively low outside this region.
% Also try
plot2dclassprob(X,Y0, condProbFunc);
% to see the decision boundary