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@WizardAmigos Concept


Want to start your local Wizard Amigos group?

How to organize Wizard Amigos meetup

All you need is:

  • a free community space (in Berlin that's CoUp event space and in Taiwan Mozilla community space and now one private space by @jefferysac who started a new Taiwanese group)
  • we publish event on (Berlin based meetup is called CodingAmigos but we list all events in the same group, Wizard and Coding amigos)
  • you come to the event every week or once in 2 weeks or 2x a week, however you can, but regularly and you act as a host, greeting new people, tell them the story of why and how the community works, you get them to know the chat and learning tools, and then you basically learn and work together on this meetups, each on their own thing, but sharing, discussing, supporting each other
  • And by providing space for people to come and learn and share time for common interest (code, javascript, nomadic lifestyle, self employment, open source, blockchain and p2p web, activism etc.) your group will slowly grow and people will come back because it's free, it's cozy, it's a nice group of like-minded people and it's even part of international community so you can find your 'amigos = friends' in Berlin, Taiwan and in the future also other places


  • big table, people sit around (community feeling)

How does it work

  • no presentation, more co-learning, co-working
  • with computers

New people

  • take care of them, help them to connect to the group
  • ask about their interests, background and try to connect them to the like-minded in the group
  • host(s) introduce the chat and help people #
  • introduction to Wizard Amigos (if they are interested) and to learning resources

Hosts (one or more)

  • not authority, but more of a 'keyholder'
  • make events possible
  • update (if events are cancelled etc.)
  • take pictures and upload on FB group and so other wizards from other countries can imagine who are people in the chat and to easier connect with each other


  • respect each other
  • take care every member has enough space to express themselves (also the shy ones)
  • support and help each other
  • share knowledge

People often ask

  • Why there is no specific topic?
  • Do you guys already start to work remotely with each other?

Manifesto (Idea)

What we are trying to build is:

  • A decentralized open source javascript learn & work ecosystem
  • mentors make & maintain a hyper modular lessons depedency tree and
  • earn micro percentages from making and maintaining in demand lessons
  • to offer any client to publish paid tasks next to required lessons
  • and to enable a flood of learners to
  • earn nano certificates and micro percentages while they learn
  • developers are encouraged to take on the roles of
    • mentors, clients and learners to earn and grow the ecosystem


1. Goal: Mentors grow and maintain a healthy modular lessons tree

  • Incentivize: Mentors - Open Source Developers & Hacktivists
    • Mentors can promote skills by making lessons for them
    • Mentors can attract paid tasks matching their interests
    • Mentors earn a micro percentage from paid tasks from every
      • lesson they maintain and the dependent lessons
    • Mentors earn micro percentages whenever they decide to do tasks
  • Execution We make a list of developers who want to join.
    • We list and connect our skills into a granular skill tree
    • Come up with an immersive educational storybook format
    • Make & maintain lessons for skills (and earn micro percentages)
  • Related Projects

2. Goal: Clients outsource paid tasks matching skill tree lessons

  • Incentivize: Clients - People, Companies, Organizations & Gov's
    • Clients get their problems solved in a sustainable fashion
      • ecosystem assures lots of devs with maintainance skills
    • Clients reduce the amount of money they spent on finding devs
    • Clients get listed as supporters of the ecosystem after paying a finished task
    • Clients improve their image for supporting open source
    • Clients reduce risk of getting stuck with outdated frameworks
    • Clients turn fixed costs for employees into variable costs
  • Execution We search/scrape all existing online jobs/gig platforms
    • to cherry pick remote priced tasks that fit the skill tree
    • offer them to be published as supporters after paying a for tasks
  • Execution We contact remote friendly companies and offer/apply to
    • those who want to publish paid remote tasks matching tree lessons
      • tasks go into a lesson related kanban board ( for example)
      • or a general one if lessons are missing
    • those who want a task done, pay money immediately to our escrow service
    • try to semi-automate that process as good as possible
  • Related Projects

3. Goal: Learners get paid while learning how to code

  • Incentivize: Learners - All humans (beginners & experts) :-)
    • Learners can browse listed tasks to see learning is worth it
    • Learners who solve lessons earn modular nano certificates
      • that unlock them for listed tasks
    • Learners earn for executing the tasks
    • Learners can learn & work flexibly when they have time
    • Learners dont spend too much time for overhead activities like:
      • interviewing/applying/commuting/...
    • Learners can earn margin by outsourcing as Clients to others
      • by outsourcing modular subtasks to other learners
    • Learners have long term perspective by making
      • their own apps later alone or with other
    • Learners do not have to worry about accounting bureaucracy
  • Execution We inform unaware learners
    • about the ongoing automation of the economy
    • about the opportunity to earn while learning how to code
  • Execution We notify subscribed learners (round robin style?)
    • to check new available paid tasks that match their skills
  • Execution We standardize transactions to automate accounting
    • and all kinds of reports necessary where possible
  • Execution We encourage experienced learners to take on big tasks
    • and split them into modular sub-tasks for less experienced ones
  • Related Projects

4. Goal: Work together cooperatively in a growing ecosystem

  • Incentivize:
    • Learners, Clients and Mentors will be "insured"
    • Learners can earn by using the ecosystem as Clients or Mentors
  • Execution We pay out finshed tasks based on share distribution
    • to everyone according to their contribution
  • Execution We encourage advanced Learners to launch products
    • By collaborating with other mentors & learners
  • Related Projects

Future Goal: Make the world one and overcome nation borders

  • Shift to the demand-side economics and mutal aid network instead of supply-side competition
    • Building our own products/services and connect them API-to-API
  • Incentivize
    • People can move and life their life's freely :-)
  • Execution We make a network of co-learning/working/living spaces
    • Check VISA and other bureaucracy and loopholes to enable travel
    • Search for affordable housing and food matching lifestyles
    • Organize co-working & co-learning
    • Provide Infrastructure to make stuff happen :-)
  • Related Projects

Additional Background


organisation's dashboard (issues etc.) - coming soon







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