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Anna Milan edited this page Jan 16, 2025 · 18 revisions


  • Thursday 16 January 2025 12h - 13h30 UTC
  • online

Agenda (DRAFT)


  • Joerg opened the meeting and invited Belen to introduce herself, as well all of the team members;
  • Anna noted that this is the last scheduled meeting for FT2025-1 proposals;
  • other updates
    • Joerg noted that there is a logical model is being developed in a SWIG for the OGC OMS standard; Joerg noted that the I-Adopt community scheduled a meeting in March;
    • Gao noted that NASA is working on adopting WIGOS units and will resubmit a revised document; AGU proposals are due in March, and it would be good to have something there for WIGOSMD;
  • Champika introduced an overview of the new issues for oceanographic proposals - see PPT: sea-ice-variables-for-OSCAR_TT-WIGOSMD_21nov2024.pptx
    • (Champika) What is your guidance regarding the same variable under different domains? (e.g., nitrous oxide for oceans and atmosphere); (Joerg) We should ensure that the variable describes the observed quantity and this is different across ocean and air even though they are the same chemical species; (Belen) Does it make sense to add the word ocean to nitrous oxide? (Joerg) The variable should be labeled as "Concentration of nitrous oxide in sea-water"; (Belen) Doesn't the definition provide this context? (Joerg) sometimes using the same name with two different definitions doesn't make sense, e.g., Silicate; (Gao) In other words, Silicate is a chemical, but a detailed observed quantity is more specific- this follows the I-Adopt approach; (Anna) determining the exact phrasing of labels and definitions are part of the process after a proposal is introduced to the team and before asking for WMO approval;
  • The team reviewed the following proposals for FT2025-1 -- #438

Next meetings

  • 2025-02-20 12-13h30 UTC

Invitees and attendance


Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Jörg KLAUSEN (Chair) Switzerland @joergklausen X
Lance BRAASCH USA @lancebraasch
Gao CHEN USA @gaochen-larc X
Shuli HAN China @hansl2022 X
Anne KAMAU Kenya @kamauanne-cpu X
Paolo LEONI Italy @PaoloLeoniIT X
Sivashni NAICKER South Africa @TBA
--- --- --- ---
Magali KRIEGER OceanOPS/WMO @MKrieger29 X
Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat @amilan17 X


Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Dave BERRY WMO Secretariat/climate/information management/NetCDF
Johanna KORHONEN WMO Secretariat / Hydrology
Samantha LINNERTS South Africa / ET-WTR
Luis NUNES WMO Secretariat / ET-WTR
Washington OTIENO WMO Secretariat / Hydrology X
Franziska Stürzl MeteoSwiss / Oscar Surface @fstuerzl X
Jitze VAN DER MEULEN KNMI / MINT editorial board @meulenvd X
Ran ZHANG WMO Secretariat / Cryosphere ---
Kruno PREMEC WMO Secretariat / ET-EOSDE ---
Belen Martin MIGUEZ WMO / GCOS X
Champika GALLAGE WMO / Ocean x