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Shot Core

What is Shot Core?

Shot Core Open Hardware Project

Getting Started

System Requirements

  • node
  • ffmpeg


npm install
sqlite3 dev.sqlite3 < db/schema.sql
node ./server

node ./server starts the web UI listening at http://localhost:4000. Attempts to connect to the default Z Cam address (

On macOS, you can then seed a test project on the server by running (in another terminal):


Environment vars:

  • ZCAM: address of Z Cam, default
  • PORT: Shot Core server port, default 8000 (proxied through browser-sync to 4000)
  • DEBUG: configure debug library logging. DEBUG=shotcore:* to view Shot Core specific logs.
  • UPLOADS_PATH: path to media on the filesystem, which will be served from /uploads. Media includes the Storyboarder project files and images, as well as takes downloaded from the camera. Useful for storing all media on a NAS. If blank, defaults to ./public/uploads.

If you don’t have access to a Z Cam, you can run the Z Cam Mock Server, which will listen locally, and start the Shot Core server with:

DEBUG=shotcore:* ZCAM= node ./server

To append the output to a log file:

node ./server 2>&1 | tee -a shotcore-log.txt

For more, read