Repository containing awesome woovi challenges made by our challengers while trying to get in the Woovi Team
- Relay Workshop - Relay Workshop | @sibelius receive the access giving support in him patreon
- Fakeddt - A Reddit clone developed as a monorepo with React + Relay + Node.js + MongoDB by @noghartt
- Notdiscord - NotDiscord is a Discord clone made with React! by @Eckzzo
- xau - Hackernews clone by @samueldurantes
- Tuwuitter - Twitter clone by @wrongbyte
- Ticoteco - Tiktok web clone by @gabrielleeg1
- Violetit - A Reddit clone developed with React + Relay by @nogw
- Surgeries Plans - Real product MVP to surgery instrumentator by @daniellimae
- sonozap - Fully-featured WhatsApp clone with contacts and realtime messaging by @scarletquasar
- Zap - Real-time messaging app, inspired by Telegram and WhatsApp. @nothenrin
- Event List - Saas to create, manage and share your parties. @vinibgoulart
- Bacen Simulator - Docker image to simulate Bacen, official brazilian payment infrastructure for Devs by @eletroswing
- Ask2me App to Receive Questions: Easily create a profile and receive questions directly by @ThiagoMota
- Woovi Desafio Bank Back End - Woovi Challenge CRUD Bank danielandersonBC96
- WooBank - WooBank - Woovi Challenge CRUD Bank victordantasdev - repo
- VaultTrack - VaultTrack - Woovi Challenge CRUD Bank @henrique-leme
- WooviBank - Woovi Challenge CRUD Bank neverson-silva
- Frontend Software Engineer - Junior - Woovi Frontend Software Engineer whyleonardo
- Bankr - Bankr - Woovi Challenge CRUD Bank pedroscosta - repo
- - A Tabnews clone developed with Woovi stack by @joelbrs
- Bank - Bank - Woovi Challenge CRUD FullStack developed by @joelbrs
- Woovi Bank - Woovi Bank - Woovi Challenge FullStack with Relay and Multitenancy Leaky Bucket Strategy | @hallexcosta
- Pix Credito - Pix Credito by @jeffque
- Offline Pix RFC - RFC for easy-to-use offline pix payments based on QRCodes by @scarletquasar
- Woovi App by Elias Lima
- Woovi Web by Elias Lima
- Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge - Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge akshatSoni26
- Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge - Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge leandrucarvalho
- Desafio Woovi Frontend - Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge Rick Reis
- Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge - Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge Higor Giovane
- Desafio Woovi Frontend - Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge Gabriel Feitosa
- Woovi Frontend Challenge by Igor Felipe
- Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge - Woovi Frontend Engineer Challenge wkauan
For those who finished the woovi challenge:
- fork this repo
- add your challenge
- add your information on readme
- open a new pull request
- open a new issue: Woovi Challenge Review - your challenge name
- link the issue with the pull request
- send on discord
Add a new challenge in the list:
- forking the respository
- add the new repo Title + link, Description and the @
- send the pull request