Kitsu season trends for the currently airing anime
All the data is free to use and available from:
- JSON format in
or online{year}-{season}.json
- MessagePack format online at{year}-{season}.msgpack
Property names are compressed to save storage space and bandwidth.
Data grouped by airing season - Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn/Fall.
As of January 2022, the previous season is updated in tandem with the current season.
data: [
i: 12, // Kitsu anime ID
t: 'One Piece', // Canonical title
u: 0, // Subtype (0: TV, 1: ONA)
n: 0, // 0: Leftover, 1: New
d: [ // Data array containing each daily update
i: 0, // Index
d: 450263, // Hours since epoch (x3600000 to get datetime)
w: 82.19, // Wilson's confidence level (0.95) out of 100 (omitted if 0)
l: 82.4, // Laplace smoothing out of 100 (omitted if 0)
p: 100359.75, // Upvotes, ratings >= 3 out of 5, omitted if 0)
o: 21433.25, // Downvotes, ratings < 3 out of 5, omitted if 0)
r: 121793, // Users Rated (omitted if 0)
u: 186101, // Users (omitted if 0)
f: 6578 // Users Favourited (omitted if 0)
meta: {
current: 52, // Total started airing this season
total: 226 // Total shows being tracked
updated: '2021-05-13T23:03:55.841Z' // ISO date of the last cron update
data: [
i: 0 // index
d: 450263, // Hours since epoch (x3600000 to get datetime)
w: 82.19 // Wilson's confidence level (0.95) out of 100 (omitted if 0)
l: 82.4 // Laplace smoothing out of 100 (omitted if 0)
p: 100359.75 // Upvotes, ratings >= 3 out of 5, omitted if 0)
o: 21433.25 // Downvotes, ratings < 3 out of 5, omitted if 0)
r: 121793 // Users Rated (omitted if 0)
u: 186101 // Users (omitted if 0)
f: 6578 // Users Favourited (omitted if 0)
meta: {
i: 12, // Kitsu anime ID
t: 'One Piece', // Canonical title
u: 0, // Subtype (0: TV, 1: ONA)
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