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AWS-EKS-EC2-ASG-CDK Workflow Stack Documentation

This repo contains a complete, functional PaaS workflow with integrated GitOps and ChatOps features. Designed for deployment to AWS infrastructure, this workflow supports EKS on EC2, Aurora, SQS, Redis, and Autoscaling—all orchestrated by CDK.


Add environment variables to Secrets Store

Resource: Using Secrets and Configs via Dashboard

Create new environment variables via your Secrets Store on the Dashboard, one for each of the following keys:


This wiki has more information on generating your AWS and GitHub credentials.

Install the repo locally

Clone the GitHub repository for this workflow stack locally, then change in to the directory:

git clone
cd aws-eks-ec2-asg-cdk


Build Pipelines locally with CLI

Run the following CLI command to build the repo's Pipelines workflow locally:

ops build .

Then, when prompted, select the sample-app-pipeline workflow from the list. This will build the workflow locally (for use or sharing) and build the workflow's Docker image from its Dockerfile.

The resulting Docker image will be tagged with the name and version specified in the workflow's ops.yml file.

Run Pipelines locally with CLI

Run the following CLI command to run the repo's Pipelines workflow locally:

ops run .

Then, when prompted, select the sample-app-pipeline workflow from the list. This will run the workflow locally, using the Docker image built in the previous step.