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Get Lever job details and post applications from Craft.


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Lever Craft CMS 4 Plugin

Get Lever job details and post applications directly from Craft.

Scrutinizer status

Installation & Setup

  • composer require workingconcept/craft-lever
  • php craft install lever or install from SettingsPlugins in the control panel
  • add your site and API details in the control panel via SettingsLever



Returns an array of jobs. Supply valid parameters for the job postings API if you need to tailor the results.


Returns a specific job matching the provided Lever ID, or false.

Job Properties

  • id
  • text
  • categories
  • country
  • description
  • descriptionPlain
  • lists
  • additional
  • additionalPlain
  • hostedUrl
  • applyUrl
  • createdAt
  • workplaceType

Template Examples

List Jobs

{% set positions = %}

<h2>Work with Us!</h2>

{% for position in positions %}
    <li><a href="{{ position.hostedUrl }}" target="_blank">{{ position.text }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

Custom Job Application Form

You can create your own form and validation and submit it with an action field set to lever/apply. Use any fields named exactly as seen in the postings API, with jobId, name, and email being required.


{% if application is defined and application.getErrors() | length %}
    {% for field in application.getErrors() %}
        {% for error in field %}
            <p class="error" role="alert">{{ error }}</p>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

<form id="job" action="" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ redirectInput( ~ "?success=y") }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="lever/apply">
    <input type="hidden" name="jobId" value="{{ }}">

    <input type="text" name="name" value="{{ ?? '' }}" required>
    <input type="email" name="email" value="{{ ?? '' }}" required>
    <textarea name="comments">{{ application.comments ?? '' }}</textarea>

    <input type="file" name="resume" required>

    <button class="btn">Submit</button>

Establishing Custom Job Detail Pages

You can display all job details on your site if you'd like, including custom detail pages. One way you might go about that is to create a detail page template like jobs/_detail.twig and set up a custom route for it.

Barebones template:

{% extends "_layout" %}

{% set job = craft.lever.job(id) %}

{% if job is empty %}
    {% exit 404 %}
{% endif %}

{% block content %}


Custom route in config/routes.php:

return [
    'jobs/<id>' => ['template' => 'jobs/_detail'],

This will take requests like and send them to your template, where they'll 404 if the ID is invalid.



Triggered after an application is submitted and before it's validated. You can adjust $event->application if you need to do something custom like handle a FilePond upload and attach it to the LeverJobApplication model.


Triggered after an application is submitted and before it's sent to Lever. Grab the application data from $event->application and prevent it from being sent by setting $event->isSpam to true.


Triggered immediately after an application is sent to Lever successfully. Same $event->application and $event->isSpam properties available.


Please submit an issue or a pull request if anything needs attention. We'll do our best to respond promptly.

This plugin is brought to you by Working Concept, which has no affiliation with Lever.