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Adds a kirbytag for embedding HTML5-videos with a variety of features.


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📹 HTML5-Video Kirbytag by @wottpal

Release MIT Tweet

(Disclaimer: This is a pre-release.)

The last kirbytag for HTML5-videos you'll ever need. 👊

  • Dynamic Video- & Image-Source Recognition
  • Lazy-Loading of all sources
  • Placeholder-Color until the video has loaded to increase Perceived-Performance1, 2
  • Use Fallback Images or GIFs
  • Configurable & Customizable to it's core

Demo of HTML5-Video Kirbytag

1 Works out of the box with kirby-dominant-color by @iandoe if fallback-image is provided
2 For consistency the fade-out transition looks exactly like the color-placeholder in ImageSet by @fabianmichael

🐼 Demos

🐸 Installation

Use Kirby's CLI and install the plugin via: kirby plugin:install wottpal/kirby-video or place the repo manually under site/plugins.

Include styles1 in your <head> with:

<?= css('assets/plugins/video/video.min.css') ?>`

Include scripts2 before the end of your </body> with:

<?= js('assets/plugins/video/video.min.js') ?>

1 Necessary for placeholder-color and ratio-sizing.
2 Necessary for lazy-loading and img/gif fallback.

Internet Explorer Support

If you want to support IE you either need to polyfill Array.from or rewrite some parts of video.js.

🐨 Usage

It's pretty straightforward to use this Kirbytag, the only rule to follow is basically: Give all your source-files (and fallback-image) the same filename. Only the file-extensions should differ.1

So, if you embed a video you only have to specify that base-filename and the plugin determines all matching files automagically. If you want to specify file-types/-formats or the source-order please see Options.

(video: funniest_thing_ever)

Video-Options & Presets

You can also manually specify options for the <video> element. In addition to the spec-compliant attributes you can also use lazyload to enable lazy-loading. Options are seperated by spaces.

Same as first:
(video: funniest_thing_ever options: lazyload controls)

GIF-like behavior:
(video: funniest_thing_ever options: lazyload autoplay loop muted playsinline)

These two options are also bundled in presets by default. You can add/modify presets by your own (see Options).

Same as first:
(video: funniest_thing_ever preset: default)

GIF-like behavior:
(video: funniest_thing_ever preset: gif)


By default videos are displayed in their native resolutions. But you can specify width and height.2

(video: funniest_thing_ever width: 500px height: 300px)


If you don't use kirby-dominant-color you can manually specify the placeholder-color with the color-option. This also overwrites the dominant-color if given. If neither a dominiant-color is available nor you've specified color then #fff is used. To change this default see Options.

No Figure-Wrapper

By setting figure to false you can disable the video-element to be wrapped by a <figure>. Please note that without a wrapper color-placeholders are disabled.

1They also should have the same dimensions. I haven't tested anything else.
2 Theoretically you can also specify these in options but if you also want to set a preset, these get overwritten by it.

🦊 Options

The following options can be set globally in your config.php with c::set($key, $value = null). You can also set multiple keys with c::set([$key => $value, ..]). 🤓

  • video.kirbytext.tagname (default: 'video')

The name of the tag to embed a video within kirbytext.

  • video.kirbytext.class (default: '')

Additional class which is added to all video-elements.

  • video.kirbytext.default.color (default: '#fff')

The default color of the placeholder.

  • video.kirbytext.merge.presets (default: [])

Add your own presets to the default presets or modify them. See Usage above for the two default presets default and gif.

  • (default underneath)
  'webm' => 'video/webm; codecs="vp9"',
  'mp4' => 'video/mp4',
  'ogg' => 'video/ogg'

Specify all video-filetypes (and their respective type-attributes) you want the plugin to look for. The order is the same of the resulting <source> elements.

Note: It's totally fine if you don't supply all of these. But at least one has to be available, otherwise no <video> is generated.

  • video.kirbytext.image.formats (default: ['gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'])

The image-extensions which are used to find a fallback-image. The first found file is used an the others are ignored.

  • video.kirbytext.figure (default: true)

Globally prevent video-embeds to be wrapped by a <figure> element. Please note that without a wrapper color-placeholders are disabled.

🐻 Changelog

Have a look at the releases page.

🦁 Roadmap

  • Option to disable Preview-Color
  • Option to disable <figure> wrapper
  • Option to specify ratio + ratio-placeholders to prevent page-reflow when ratio is given. (like in ImageSet)
  • Make it work with @bastianallgeier's columns-kirbytag & markdown.extra enabled
  • Maybe use responsive fallback images

🐯 For Reference

Interesting reads on <video> usage

Alternative Plugins/Snippets

👨‍💻 Development

For minification and transpilation I use Gulp. Please note that all files under assets/ are only the generated ones from src_assets/.

# Install Dependencies
npm i

# Or: Install Dependencies for Hipsters

# Build & Watch (Install 'gulp-cli' globally to omit the 'npx')
npx gulp

💰‍ #

Just kidding. This plugin is totally free. Please consider following me on Twitter if it saved your day.

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You can also check out one of my other Kirby-plugins:

  • Lightbox-Gallery - Easily inline beautifully aligned galleries with lightbox-support powered by PhotoSwipe.
  • Anchor-Headings - A kirby field-method which enumerates heading-elements, generates IDs for anchor-links and inserts custom markup based on your needs.


Adds a kirbytag for embedding HTML5-videos with a variety of features.







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