Floppier is an embedded Rust project targetting the Raspberry Pi Pico which allows you to play MIDI files on a series of 1 or more Floppy Disk Drives. This project is inspired by Moppy which is a similar project written in Java and C++ targetting the Arduino platform, and the almighty Floppotron.
This project differs from previous implementations by allowing you to expand to a large number of drives and plans to have support for other instruments as well such as Hard Disk Drives and Flatbed Scanners.
This project is still actively in development, so a lot is subject to change
This project is organized as a Cargo workspace with the following directories:
- A Rust program that runs on a laptop or desktop to parse a MIDI file and send MIDI events over USB to the Pico(s)floppier-client
- An Embedded Rust program that receives MIDI events from the server over USB and is responsible for controlling the individual Floppy Disk Drivesfloppier-proto
- A Rust library that contains shared protocol data structures which are sent in USB packetsmidi
- A directory containing some sample MIDI songs and their configuration files