Hansen Tiles are generated from an EarthEngine asset whose various bands contain the raw Hansen lossyear-data masked by various thresholds of treecover2000. This same asset is used for the Hansen Analysis API (note tests of the API using this image along with derivative ImageCollections
can be found here.
This repo contains:
- hansen_ee_processing/js/composite_asset.js: javascript code to produce the most recent version of the Hansen Asset described above
- hansen_ee_processing/python/hansen_tiles.py: python script that generates the hansen tiles (in 2 steps).
To re-generate this asset simply run the code. To update future years, simply replace loss asset and rename final output COMPOSITE_IMG_NAME
Due to the earthengine limits discussed here tile processing happens in 2 (and a half) steps:
- Export Tiles for zoom-levels 12-7, and export an earthengine asset for zoom-level 7
- Export Tiles for zoom-levels 6-2
The code can be run via the command line:
# step 1
$ python hansen_tiles.py {threshold} inside
# step 2 (after the earthengine asset for zoom-level 7 has completed processing)
$ python hansen_tiles.py {threshold} outside
There are various options like using test geometries, versioning, changing the zoom-level used as a break between step 1 and 2, and more.
python|master $ python hansen_tiles.py -h
usage: hansen_tiles.py [-h] [-g GEOM_NAME] [-v VERSION]
threshold {inside,outside,zasset} ...
positional arguments:
threshold treecover 2000: one of [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 75]
inside export the zoomed in z-levels
outside export the zoomed out z-levels
zasset export z-level to asset
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GEOM_NAME, --geom_name GEOM_NAME
geometry name (https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSou
-v VERSION, --version VERSION