Conductor.jl aims to be a platform for quickly and flexibly building high-performance, multi-scale neuronal network models in Julia. Under the hood it's being built on top of ModelingToolkit.jl--so all the tools available in the SciML and DiffEq ecosystem are (or soon will be) useable and composable with the neuronal models built here.
To install, tagged releases are available through the public registry:
# From Julia REPL
]add Conductor
You can get a feel for what's going on by looking in
the demo
directory of this repository. Clone the repository:
git clone
Then from a Julia REPL:
using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()
You should then be able to open and step through the various demo script examples.
Conductor.jl is based on the acausal component modeling paradigm in ModelingToolkit.jl. The project began with an implementation of a stomatogastric ganglion (STG) model, which was written in Julia by Dhruva Raman, and based on published works by Astrid Prinz et al.
The original Julia STG model: NeuronBuilder.jl
STG model papers:
Prinz et al. 2003 The functional consequences of changes in the strength and duration of synaptic inputs to oscillatory neurons J. Neuroscience
Prinz et al. 2003 Alternative to hand-tuning conductance-based models: construction and analysis of databases of model neurons J. Neurophysiology
Prinz et al. 2004 Similar network activity from disparate circuit parameters Nature Neuroscience
Thanks also to Srinivas Gorur-Shandilya for advice and contributions related to model implementation.