http (fix): Fail to read RPCContext if the response Rx is evaluated in a different thread #6460
2 errors
Publish Test Report:
ListMap(custom_log_entry -> test, server_name -> log-test-server, time -> 1741207002, start_time_ms -> 1741207002185, event_timestamp -> 2025-03-05T20:36:42.185Z, method -> POST, path -> /wvlet.airframe.http.netty.NettyLoggingTest.MyRPC/async, uri -> /wvlet.airframe.http.netty.NettyLoggingTest.MyRPC/async, remote_address ->, request_header -> ListMap(upgrade -> h2c, http2_settings -> AAEAAEAAAAIAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAAAAYABgAA, connection -> Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings, content_length -> 0, user_agent -> Java-http-client/21.0.6, host -> localhost:37667), end_time_ms -> 1741207002185, duration_ms -> 0, status_code -> 200, status_code_name -> OK, response_content_length -> 0, rpc_status -> 0, rpc_status_name -> SUCCESS_S0, response_header -> ListMap(content_length -> 0, x_airframe_rpc_status -> 0)) doesn't contain (user,zzzz-xxxx)
Scala 3.x test
Process completed with exit code 1.