Optimised simulator engine for NEURON
CoreNEURON is a compute engine for the NEURON simulator optimised for both memory usage and computational speed. Its goal is to simulate large cell networks with minimal memory footprint and optimal performance.
If you are a new user and would like to use CoreNEURON, this tutorial will be a good starting point to understand complete workflow of using CoreNEURON with NEURON.
CoreNEURON can transparently handle all spiking network simulations including gap junction coupling with the fixed time step method. The model descriptions written in NMODL need to be thread safe to exploit vector units of modern CPUs and GPUs. The NEURON models must use Random123 random number generator.
- CMake 3.0.12+
- MPI 2.0+ [Optional]
- PGI OpenACC Compiler >=18.0 [Optional, for GPU systems]
- CUDA Toolkit >=6.0 [Optional, for GPU systems]
This project uses git submodules which must be cloned along with the repository itself:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/BlueBrain/CoreNeuron.git
Set the appropriate MPI wrappers for the C and C++ compilers, e.g.:
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicxx
And build using:
cmake ..
make -j
If you don't have MPI, you can disable MPI dependency using the CMake option -DENABLE_MPI=OFF
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
make -j
And you can run inbuilt tests using:
make test
The workflow for building CoreNEURON is different from that of NEURON, especially considering the use of nrnivmodl. Currently we do not provide nrnivmodl-core for CoreNEURON. If you have MOD files from a NEURON model, you have to explicitly specify those MOD file directory paths during CoreNEURON build using the -DADDITIONAL_MECHPATH
cmake .. -DADDITIONAL_MECHPATH="path/of/mod/files/directory/"
CoreNEURON has support for GPUs using the OpenACC programming model when enabled with -DENABLE_OPENACC=ON
. Below are the steps to compile with PGI compiler:
module purge
module purge all
module load pgi/18.4 cuda/9.0.176 cmake intel-mpi # change pgi, cuda and mpi modules
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicxx
cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="-O2" \
-DCUDA_HOST_COMPILER=`which gcc` \
Note that the CUDA Toolkit version should be compatible with PGI compiler installed on your system. Otherwise you have to add extra C/C++ flags. For example, if we are using CUDA Toolkit 9.0 installation but PGI default target is CUDA 8.0 then we have to add :
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="-O2 -ta=tesla:cuda9.0" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="-O2 -ta=tesla:cuda9.0"
If there are large functions / procedures in MOD file that are not inlined by compiler, you need to pass additional c/c++ compiler flags:
You have to run GPU executable with the --gpu
or -gpu
. Make sure to enable cell re-ordering mechanism to improve GPU performance using --cell_permute
option (permutation types : 2 or 1):
mpirun -n 1 ./bin/coreneuron_exec -d ../tests/integration/ring -mpi -e 100 --gpu --cell_permute 2
Note that if your model is using Random123 random number generator, you can't use same executable for CPU and GPU runs. We suggest to build separate executable for CPU and GPU simulations. This will be fixed in future releases.
On a Cray system the user has to provide the path to the MPI library as follows:
export CC=`which cc`
export CXX=`which CC`
make -j
- One can specify C/C++ optimization flags specific to the compiler and architecture with
options to the CMake command. For example:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O3 -g" \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-O3 -g" \
- By default OpenMP threading is enabled. You can disable it with
- By default CoreNEURON uses the SoA (Structure of Array) memory layout for all data structures. You can switch to AoS using
Note that the CoreNEURON simulator dependends on NEURON to build the network model: see NEURON documentation for more information. Once you build the model using NEURON, you can launch CoreNEURON on the same or different machine by:
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 #set appropriate value
mpiexec -np 2 build/apps/coreneuron_exec -e 10 -d /path/to/model/built/by/neuron -mpi
This tutorial provide more information for parallel runs and performance comparison.
In order to see the command line options, you can use:
/path/to/isntall/directory/coreneuron_exec --help
-b, --spikebuf ARG Spike buffer size. (100000)
-c, --threading Parallel threads. The default is serial threads.
-d, --datpath ARG Path containing CoreNeuron data files. (.)
-dt, --dt ARG Fixed time step. The default value is set by
defaults.dat or is 0.025.
-e, --tstop ARG Stop time (ms). (100)
-f, --filesdat ARG Name for the distribution file. (files.dat)
-g, --prcellgid ARG Output prcellstate information for the gid NUMBER.
-gpu, --gpu Enable use of GPUs. The default implies cpu only
-h, --help Print a usage message briefly summarizing these
command-line options, then exit.
-k, --forwardskip ARG Forwardskip to TIME
-l, --celsius ARG Temperature in degC. The default value is set in
defaults.dat or else is 34.0.
-mpi Enable MPI. In order to initialize MPI environment
this argument must be specified.
-o, --outpath ARG Path to place output data files. (.)
-p, --pattern ARG Apply patternstim using the specified spike file.
-R, --cell-permute ARG Cell permutation, 0 No; 1 optimise node adjacency; 2
optimize parent adjacency. (1)
-s, --seed ARG Initialization seed for random number generator
-v, --voltage ARG Initial voltage used for nrn_finitialize(1, v_init).
If 1000, then nrn_finitialize(0,...). (-65.)
-W, --nwarp ARG Number of warps to balance. (0)
-x, --extracon ARG Number of extra random connections in each thread to
other duplicate models (int).
--binqueue Use bin queue.
--checkpoint ARG Enable checkpoint and specify directory to store
related files.
--mindelay ARG Maximum integration interval (likely reduced by
minimum NetCon delay). (10)
--ms-phases ARG Number of multisend phases, 1 or 2. (2)
--ms-subintervals ARG Number of multisend subintervals, 1 or 2. (2)
--multisend Use Multisend spike exchange instead of Allgather.
--read-config ARG Read configuration file filename.
--restore ARG Restore simulation from provided checkpoint
--show Print args.
--skip-mpi-finalize Do not call mpi finalize.
--spkcompress ARG Spike compression. Up to ARG are exchanged during
MPI_Allgather. (0)
--write-config ARG Write configuration file filename.
Currently CoreNEURON only outputs spike data as out.dat
Once you compile CoreNEURON, unit tests and a ring test will be compiled if Boost is available. You can run tests using
make test
If you have different mpi launcher, you can specify it during cmake configuration as:
cmake .. -DTEST_MPI_EXEC_BIN="mpirun" \
-DTEST_EXEC_PREFIX="mpirun;-n;2" \
-DTEST_EXEC_PREFIX="mpirun;-n;2" \
You can disable tests using with options:
- See LICENSE.txt
- NMC portal provides more license information about ME-type models in testsuite
See contributors.
CoreNEURON is developed in a joint collaboration between the Blue Brain Project and Yale University. This work has been funded by the EPFL Blue Brain Project (funded by the Swiss ETH board), NIH grant number R01NS11613 (Yale University), the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7/20072013) under grant agreement n◦ 604102 (HBP) and the Eu- ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement n◦ 720270 (Human Brain Project SGA1) and Grant Agreement n◦ 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2).