Set the drop-down refresh:
scrollView.refresh.setup(view: CustomRefreshView) {
/// do something...
Immediately trigger the refresh state:
End the refresh state:
extension SomeView: CustomRefresh {
/// @optional, default is 44.
/// Sets the height displayed when refreshing.
var refreshingKeepHeight: CGFloat { return 44 }
/// @optional, default is .init(top: 30, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0).
/// -top: increase the trigger refresh distance.
/// -left and right: set the horizontal offset.
/// -bottom: increase the distance from scrollview.
var refreshInsets: UIEdgeInsets { return .zero }
In this method, set the UI in different states.
There are three status types: initial, pulling, refreshing.
- parameter previous: previous refresh state
- parameter newState: new refresh state
func refreshStateChanged(previous: RefreshState, newState: RefreshState) {
/// do something...
let someView = SomeView(frame: ...)
scrollView.refresh.setup(view: someView) {
/// do something...
Set the pull-up load:
scrollView.loadMore.setup(view: CustomLoadMoreView) {
/// do something...
self.scrollView.loadMore.endRefreshing(noMore: Bool)
Immediately trigger the refresh state:
End the refresh state and set whether no longer try to load new data:
scrollView.loadMore.endRefreshing(noMore: Bool)
Reset to continue loading data:
No longer try to load new data:
extension SomeView: CustomLoadMore {
/// @optional, default is 0.
/// Set the preload configuration, such as half screen 0.5, one screen is 1, two screens are 2, no preload is 0.
var preload: CGFloat { get }
/// @optional, default is true.
/// When there is no more data, is it necessary to keep the height of the custom view? If it is false, it will not be displayed.
var isVisibleNoMore: Bool { get }
/// @optional, default is true.
/// Whether to send a request only once per drag. If it is false, it will be called continuously when the offset changes.
var isOnlyRefreshPerDrag: Bool { get }
/// @optional, default is .zero.
/// -top: increase the distance from scrollview.
/// -left and right: set the horizontal offset.
/// -bottom: increase the distance from the bottom.
var loadMoreInsets: UIEdgeInsets { get }
In this method, set the UI in different states.
There are three status types: initial, refreshing, noMore.
- parameter previous: previous load more state
- parameter newState: new load more state
func loadMoreStateChanged(previous: LoadMoreState, newState: LoadMoreState)
/// do something...
let someView = SomeView(frame: ...)
scrollView.loadMore.setup(view: someView) {
/// do something...
self.scrollView.loadMore.endRefreshing(noMore: Bool)
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 10+ (Swift 4.2 + Swift 5.0)
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9.x (Swift 4)
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9.x (Swift 3.x)
In your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod "GSRefresh"
And in your *.swift
import GSRefresh
In your Cartfile
github "wxxsw/GSRefresh"
And in your *.swift
import GSRefresh
GSRefresh is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.