- I'm currently a PhD student at the University of Georgia. I work on flu epidemiology and immunology, supervised by Andreas Handel.
- I'm a computational epidemiologist. My official degree name is "Epidemiology & Biostatistics with an emphasis in Data Analysis and Modeling". My primary interests are bayesian hierarchical models and influenza immunology.
- Outside of work, I like reading fantasy and horror novels (AKA stats books); some video games; cooking and/or baking; and occasionally hiking.
, tidyverse
, tidymodels
, data.table
, lme4
, nlme
, brms
, matplotlib
, statsmodels
, scikit-learn
- Tech stuff: Stan, LaTeX, spreadsheets, Quarto (and R Markdown)
- Stats stuff: mixed-effects linear (regression) models, machine learning / predictive analytics, data visualization, exploratory data analysis, data cleaning and wrangling, statistical inference, Bayesian methods.
If you want to see some of my projects, see my pinned posts below!