slickmotd generates a slick looking motd
- to generate the ANSI art textxero/figlet-fonts
- for the "Bloody" font (
- to clone the figlet-fonts repo
If you're using flakes:
nix run github:x123/slickmotd#
$ slickmotd --help
slickmotd - generate a slick looking motd
--help print usage
-c, --color enable color output (default: enabled)
-n, --no-color disable color output
-u, --uptime enable uptime output (default: disabled)
-s, --signature set signature quote (default: "enjoy your stay")
-h, --hostname set short hostname (default: autodetect)
-d, --domain set domain (default: autodetect)
-x, --width set width in columns (default: 80)
-y, --height set height in rows (default: 25)
slickmotd -n --hostname "euclid" --domain "" --signature "q is prime"
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q is prime