TalkEQ bridges links between everquest and other services. Extends DiscordEQ.
- Go to releases and download the latest exe or binary for your operating systsem.
- Go to and #
- Click New Application the top right area
- Write anything you wish for the app name, click Create App
- Start the talkeq executable once. This generates a talkeq.conf file
- Copy the Application ID into your talkeq.conf's discord client_id section
- On the left pane, click Bot
- Click the Reset Token button, Yes, do it!
- Press the copy button in the Token section
- Uncheck the Public Bot option
- Scroll to the bottom of the bot section, and toggle the Message Content Intent option (Due to this fix)
- Replace on this link's {CLIENT_ID} field with the client ID you obtained earlier.{CLIENT_ID}&scope=bot&permissions=268504064
- Open the link and authorize your bot to access your server.
- Ensure the bot now appears offline on your server's general channel
- Start talkeq up. The first run, it will say
a new talkeq.conf file was created. Please open this file and configure talkeq, then run it again.
. - Edit the talkeq.conf, walking through each section and applying it for your situation. There are comments that help you through the process.
- (Admin-level accounts on Discord can only do the following steps.)
- Inside discord go to Server Settings.
- Go to Roles.
- Create a new role, with the name:
IGN: <username>
. TheIGN:
prefix is required for DiscordEQ to detect a player and is used to identify the player in game, For example, to identify the discord userXackery
, Create a role namedIGN: Shin
, right click the user Xackery, and assign the role to them. - If the above user chats inside the assigned channel, their message will appear in game as
Shin says from discord, 'Their Message Here'
- When talkeq runs, a users.txt file is generated the same directory as talkeq. Peek at the file to see the layout.
- If you write to this file, talkeq will hot reload the contents and update it's lookup table in memory for mapping users from discord to telnet (eq)
- You can write a website to edit this file, or by hand, to update talkeq and sync your player IGN tags
- I can talk from in game to discord, but messages in discord to in game fail with "message too small, ignoring, original message:": Double check the bot section, and toggle the Message Content Intent option. If this is disabled, the bot just sees empty content messages and fails.
/etc/init.d/talkeq change APPDIR/APPBIN, user, and group to your set options
# Provides: talkeqdaemon
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network $syslog
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: TalkEQ
# Description: TalkEQ start-stop-daemon - Debian
# Include functions
set -e
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
start() {
printf "Starting '$NAME'... "
start-stop-daemon --start --chuid "$USER:$GROUP" --background --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/$ --chdir "$APPDIR" --startas /bin/bash -- -c "exec $APPBIN > /var/log/talkeq.log 2>&1"
printf "done\n"
#We need this function to ensure the whole process tree will be killed
killtree() {
local _pid=$1
local _sig=${2-TERM}
for _child in $(ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid ${_pid}); do
killtree ${_child} ${_sig}
kill -${_sig} ${_pid}
stop() {
printf "Stopping '$NAME'... "
[ -z `cat /var/run/$ 2>/dev/null` ] || \
while test -d /proc/$(cat /var/run/$; do
killtree $(cat /var/run/$ 15
sleep 0.5
[ -z `cat /var/run/$ 2>/dev/null` ] || rm /var/run/$
printf "done\n"
status() {
status_of_proc -p /var/run/$ "" $NAME && exit 0 || exit $?
case "$1" in
echo "Usage: $NAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
Name | Channels |
Telnet | ooc, broadcast |
EQLog | ooc, guild, auction, general, shout |
PEQEditorSQLLog | peqeditorsqllog |
Name | Channels |
Discord | ooc, auction, general, peqeditorsqllog |
Telnet | ooc |
- Telnet - EQEMU uses this as a way to communicate with the server
- EQLog - Everquest's client generates a log when you type /log, and it logs data the client sees
- PEQEditorSQLLog - EQEMU's PEQ Editor is configured to log sql events, you can relay this info to discord
- Discord - Chat service that lets you relay information to it via bots
# SQL Report can be used to show stats on discord
# An ideal way to set this up is create a private voice channel
# Then bind it to various queries
# Enable SQL Reporting
enabled = false
# host for database
# default:
host = ""
# username to connect to database with.
# default: eqemu
username = "eqemu"
# password to connect to database with.
# default: eqemupass
password = "eqemupass"
# database to connect to
# default: eqemu
database = "eqemu"
channel_id = "678525065905831968"
query = "SELECT level2 FROM character_data cd INNER JOIN account a ON = cd.account_id WHERE a.status = 0 ORDER BY level2 DESC LIMIT 1"
pattern = "Highest Level: {{.Data}}"
refresh = "5m"
channel_id = "676283027361366026"
query = "SELECT count(id) FROM character_data WHERE zone_id != 386 AND last_login > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-3600"
pattern = "In Dungeon: {{.Data}}"
refresh = "60s"
channel_id = "678525229672169472"
query = "SELECT count(id) FROM character_data WHERE zone_id = 386 AND last_login > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-3600"
pattern = "In Hub: {{.Data}}"
refresh = "60s"
channel_id = "676282331627257856"
query = "SELECT count(id) FROM account"
pattern = "Accounts: {{.Data}}"
refresh = "30m"