smolbrain execution of a permissionless contract to make it easy to send GUSD to the vow
, or surplus buffer.
This is the same as @lollike 's lollike/dss-blow, but for GUSD, hence the name glow
Calling the glow()
function will automatically sellGem
any GUSD deposited in the contract through the DssPsm
for GUSD, followed by a join
on the resulting Dai to the vow
Therefore in order to contribute GUSD permissionlessly to the Maker surplus buffer, you simply send GUSD to the Glow contract, and subsequentially call glow()
You can also call glow(uint256 amt_)
to send a specified amount of GUSD directly from your wallet to the Maker surplus buffer. To do this, you must first approve Glow to spend your GUSD.
Calling quit()
will sweep any GUSD balance to the Maker Pause Proxy, just in case.
Contract to send GUSD from the outside to MakerDAO's surplus buffer in a permissionless way.