is a web-application that uses data from (source code.) to create a hyper-media driven application for the Belgian railway company.
Looking for data? Check for more info
- Implemented: Content negotiation for languages (en, fr, nl and de) and content-types (application/json and text/html)
- Implemented: auto-complete for all SNCB stations
- Implemented: route planning interface
- Planned: support for the Hydra Linked Data vocabulary for hypermedia
Want more features? Please do contribute by adding feature requests. Are you a developer? We accept pull requests!
- PHP 5.5+ for Laravel project
- Apache
Clone the repository:
git clone
In order to install the dependencies you have to run:
composer install
If you don't have composer, get it here:
When installing this for the first time, also run this:
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
and edit your .env
after your own taste (e.g., you may want to switch development mode off)
Optional, but can be useful.
chmod -R 777 storage
npm install
bower install
Usually you should be ready to get started by visiting the hostname you have set up. If it does not work, log an issue. We'll help you out and fix the documentation for everyone else.
In case you just want to update the stations list to the latest version, run: composer update
We hereby put this work in the public domain under a CC0 license!
Feel free to attribute us at