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BleuRaven edited this page Jan 12, 2025 · 6 revisions

It is possible in Blender like on some real cameras to offset the camera using Shift X/Y in camera data for get this effect.
BlenderCameraShift It not an rotation is a shift. Exemple of use:

This effect is unfortunately not supported in Unreal Engine by default.

To reproduce this effect in Unreal Engine it is possible to use the ArchViz Tools or trick the shift with an Post Process.

ArchViz Tools

The plugin ArchViz Tools Include a camera that can be shifted and animated in sequencer.
My plugin support it, you just need set the camera type as "Archvis".

image Result in sequencer. CameraShift_2

Post Process trick (Not recommended)

The post process trick is a bad way because you will lost optimisation, quality and you need animate the shift you self.

  • Duplicate your camera
  • Reset the shift values
  • And move the focal lenght away so that the previous camera is visible in the new camera


Now all you have to do is reproduce the effect in Unreal Engine with a process material.

  • Create this material
  • Create an instance that you apply to your camera post process.
  • And now set the material instance propertys to replicate the shift effect.

Here the result:
Note: Since the post process will literally zoom you will have to render with a higher resolution so as not to lose definition.

Math part

If you want to have perfect precision you will have to do a little math, here is what I did in my case. Property in my old camera:

  • Focal_Length: 34.8119 mm
  • Shift_X: -0.189763
  • Shift_Y: -0.201715
  • Video_Ratio: 16/9 = 1.7777

Property in my new camera:

  • Focal_Length: 20.272 mm
  • Shift_X: 0.0
  • Shift_Y: 0.0
  • Video_Ratio: 16/9 = 1.7777

The value I need set in my post process material:

  • Scale = 1.7172 = 34.8119 / 20.272
  • Shift_X = -0.1104 = 0.5823*-0.189763
  • Shift_Y = -0.2088 = 0.5823*-0.201715*1.7777


Asset Exemple

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