- create a wiki user with 'bot' permissions
- download pywikibot (https://pywikibot.toolforge.org/core_stable.zip)
- extract the zipfile
- create python venv and install the requirements.txt that came with pywikibot plus the lxml package
- place (or symlink) the following files in the pywikibot root directory:
- addons.py
- addons_category.py
- secretsfile
- user-config.py
- place (or symlink) the following file in the pywikibot/families directory:
- xbmc_family.py
- to speed things up, set seconds to 0 here:
- open a terminal, navigate to the pywikibot root directory and run these commands:
- python pwb.py login
- python pwb.py addons.py
- python pwb.py addons_category.py