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Anatomy of info.php Files

Daniel Pimley edited this page Jan 13, 2023 · 28 revisions

Authors of themes, feathers, and modules are encouraged to put an info.php file in the extension's folder. This file is used to store attribution, version, and other information that is presented to blog administrators. Chyrp Lite will include info.php files when scanning extensions in the administration console. The return value is an array containing the extension metadata.

At the discretion of the extension author, metadata strings can be localised using the __() helper function. Chyrp Lite will attempt to load an appropriate translator from the extension's locale folder prior to scanning.


Here is an example info.php file for modules:

return array(
    "name"          => __("My Module", "my_module"),
    "url"           => "",
    "version"       => "2023.01",
    "description"   => __("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "my_module"),
    "author"        => array(
        "name"      => "Anonymous Coward",
        "url"       => ""
    "conflicts"     => array(
    "dependencies"  => array(
    "notifications" => array(
                       __("This message is shown when they enable my module.", "my_module"),
                       __("So is this.", "my_module")
    "confirm"       => __("Do you want to delete all the whatnot that My Module created?", "my_module"),
    "uploader"      => true

The items notifications, conflicts, dependencies, confirm, and uploader are all optional. conflicts is an array of modules (based on their directory name) that this module conflicts with. The user will be warned on the Extend page about conflicts a module has with any enabled modules. dependencies is an array of modules that must be installed and enabled for this module to function. Set uploader to true if your module offers a file upload facility.


Here is an example info.php file for feathers:

return array(
    "name"          => __("Snufflupugus", "my_feather"),
    "url"           => "",
    "version"       => "2023.01",
    "description"   => __("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.", "my_feather"),
    "author"        => array(
        "name"      => "Anonymous Coward",
        "url"       => ""
    "notifications" => array(
                       __("This message is shown when they enable my feather.", "my_feather"),
                       __("So is this.", "my_feather")
    "confirm"       => __("Do you want to delete all the whatnot the Snufflupugus feather created?", "my_feather"),
    "uploader"      => true

The items notifications, confirm, and uploader are optional. Set uploader to true if your feather offers a file upload facility.


Here is an example info.php file for themes:

return array(
    "name"        	=> __("Awesome!", "my_awesome_theme"),
    "url"         	=> "",
    "version"     	=> "2023.01",
    "description" 	=> __("My awesome theme for Chyrp Lite.", "my_awesome_theme"),
    "author"      	=> array(
        "name"    	=> "Anonymous Coward",
        "url"     	=> ""
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