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Terraform Provider XenServer

This repository is the Terraform Provider of XenServer, using the Terraform Plugin Framework, containing:

  • docs/ The generated documentation.
  • examples/ The examples of provider, resources and data sources.
  • tools/ The tool files, like generate document tool.
  • xenserver/ The provider, resources, data sources and tests.
  • Miscellaneous meta files.


Developing the Provider


If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (see Requirements above).

To build the provider, you'll need to prepare the local XenServer module for Go.

  • Download the XenServer SDK zip package and unzip
  • Create goSDK/ directory under terraform-provider-xenserver/
  • Copy all source files under XenServer-SDK/XenServerGo/src/ to terraform-provider-xenserver/goSDK/ folder


Run the commands as follows:

go get -u all
go mod tidy

To compile the provider, run "go install". This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory.


To generate or update documentation, run make doc.


Set up log with To enable logging during local developing run:




In order to run the full suite of acceptance tests, prepare a local .env file like:

export XENSERVER_HOST=https://<xenserver-host-ip>
export XENSERVER_USERNAME=<username>
export XENSERVER_PASSWORD=<password>
export NFS_SERVER=<nfs-server-ip>
export NFS_SERVER_PATH=<nfs-server-path>
export SMB_SERVER_PATH=<smb-server-path>
export SMB_SERVER_USERNAME=<smb-server-username>
export SMB_SERVER_PASSWORD=<smb-server-password>

Run "make testacc". Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.

make testacc

Prepare Terraform for local provider install

Terraform allows to use local provider builds by setting a dev_overrides block in a configuration file called .terraformrc. This block overrides all other configured installation methods.

  1. Set GOBIN to the path where Go installs binaries or use the default path:
export GOBIN=/Users/<Username>/go/bin
go env GOBIN
  1. Create a new file called .terraformrc in home directory (~). Change the to the value returned from the go env GOBIN command above.
provider_installation {
  dev_overrides {
      "" = "<PATH>"
  direct {}
  1. To compile the provider, run "go install .". This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the directory.

  2. Local test with terraform command, you'll first need Terraform installed on your machine (see Requirements above). Go to examples/terraform-main/ folder, update the with your own configuration, then run terraform commands like:

terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve

// show state 
terraform state show xenserver_vm.vm

// remove state
terraform state rm xenserver_vm.vm

// import state with uuid
terraform import xenserver_vm.vm <xenserver_vm.vm.uuid>
terraform show

// change data and re-apply
terraform apply -auto-approve

terraform destroy -auto-approve
  1. Local Run Go lint check:
gofmt -w -l xenserver/*.go
sudo docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint bash
golangci-lint run --config=/app/.golangci.yml



