This repository contains source code for our paper "MUFFIN: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Drug–Drug Interaction Prediction".
You need to provide datasets defined as below:
'DDI_pos_neg.txt': store the DDI dataset, the form is "drug1 \t drug2 \t type". For binary data: type is in {0,1}, for the multi-class DDI dataset, type ranges from 0 to 80, and for the multi-label dataset, it is in [0,200).
For the TWOSIDES dataset, you can obtained from
you can also use following command to get the total multi-label DDI dataset.
For the DrugBank dataset, you can obtained from
DRKG : 'train.tsv' which is defined as "h \t r \t t" id form
you can get DRKG dataset from or just download files using command below:
you can use your dataset follow the form as ours.
you can define your KG dataset file name as "kg2id.txt" and DDI dataset name as "DDI_pos_neg.txt".
you can use "" file to generate your drug embedding, which is at last shown at ".npy" form in the data/DRKG directory.
try this code:
python -fi ./data/DRKG/your_smiles_file.csv -m gin_supervised_masking -fo csv -sc smiles
-fi : your smiles file position
-fo : your file's type: txt or csv
-sc : the smiles "column name" in your smiles file.
when you run this code, you can then get the final Graph-based drug embedding.
For convenient, the drug smiles order(in the "npy" file) is consistent with the KG entity, which means if you have 2322 drugs, and the grph-based embedding [ID:0-2321] is the same as the 2322 former KG entity [ID:0-2321]
This code is based on Pytorch 3.6.5. You need prepare your virtual enviroment early.
You can run the following command to re-implement our work:
If you have any question, just contact us.