Author: (Any bug report is welcome)
Time Created: Aug 2016
Time Updated: Dec 2016
Addr: Shenzhen, China
Description: We attempt to explore ChEMBL's Inhibitors by deep neural network
(add background for using DNN and RF to build this qsar model)
(add one sentence abstract for current challenge)
(how we solve the problem)
1.1 positive dataset was downloaded from chembl database
1.2 negtive dataset was selected from pubchem and chembl database(based on a reasonable assumption that almost the compound in pubchem was NOT the substrate of a protein kinase)
2.1 deep neural network(based on tensorflow)
2.2 random forest(based on scikit-learn)
2.3 a 'Tree' comprises one 'Term' and several 'Branches', where the 'Term' extracts the mutual figures of all the protein kinase.
3.1 we train the model seperately and jointly, and then apply the model on pubchem dataset for virtual screening.