The OpenPayU PHP library provides integration access to the PayU Gateway API ver. 2
The following PHP extensions are required:
- cURL
- hash
Full implementation guide [English][Polish].
To process operations such as:
You will need to provide a parameter called orderId. The value of orderId is your order identifier that is set by PayU Payment system, and it's used to invoke remote methods.
There are two ways to get orderId.
- Inside the received notification message from PayU Payment System as a result of payment.
- In the response from method OpenPayU_Order::create.
In both cases you will find orderId using this statement: $response->getResponse()->orderId.
To install with Composer, simply add the requirement to your composer.json file:
"require" : {
"openpayu/openpayu" : "2.0.*"
Then install by running
composer.phar install
Obtain the latest version of openpayu_php SDK with:
git clone
If you are using Composer:
include "vendor/autoload.php";
Or simply add this line anywhere in your application:
require_once 'lib/openpayu.php';
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../../config.php';
##Configure To configure OpenPayU environment you must provide a set of mandatory data in config.php file:
OpenPayU_Configuration::setMerchantPosId('145227'); // POS ID (Checkout)
OpenPayU_Configuration::setSignatureKey('13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50'); //Second MD5 key. You will find it in admin panel.
Remember: All keys in "order array" must be in lowercase.
###Creating order using REST API
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderCreate.php
To create an order using REST API in back-end you must provide an Array with order data:
in your controller
$order['continueUrl'] = 'http://localhost/';
$order['notifyUrl'] = 'http://localhost/';
$order['customerIp'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$order['merchantPosId'] = OpenPayU_Configuration::getMerchantPosId();
$order['description'] = 'New order';
$order['currencyCode'] = 'PLN';
$order['totalAmount'] = 3200;
$order['extOrderId'] = '1342';
$order['products']['products'][0]['name'] = 'Product1';
$order['products']['products'][0]['unitPrice'] = 1000;
$order['products']['products'][0]['quantity'] = 1;
$order['products']['products'][1]['name'] = 'Product2';
$order['products']['products'][1]['unitPrice'] = 2200;
$order['products']['products'][1]['quantity'] = 1;
$order['buyer']['email'] = '';
$order['buyer']['phone'] = '123123123';
$order['buyer']['firstName'] = 'Jan';
$order['buyer']['lastName'] = 'Kowalski';
$response = OpenPayU_Order::create($order);
header('Location:'.$response->getResponse()->redirectUri); //You must redirect your client to PayU payment summary page.
###Retrieving order from OpenPayU
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderRetrieve.php
You can retrieve order by its PayU order_id
$response = OpenPayU_Order::retrieve('Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01'); //as parameter use ORDER_ID
###Cancelling order
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderCancel.php
You can cancel order by its PayU order_id
$response = OpenPayU_Order::cancel('Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01'); //as parameter use ORDER_ID
###Updating order status
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderStatusUpdate.php
You can update order status to accept order.
$status_update = array(
"orderId" => 'Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01', //as value use ORDER_ID
"orderStatus" => 'COMPLETED'
$response = OpenPayU_Order::statusUpdate($status_update);
###Handling notifications from PayU
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderNotify.php
PayU sends requests to your application when order status changes
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = stripslashes(trim($body));
$response = OpenPayU_Order::consumeNotification($data);
$rsp = OpenPayU::buildOrderNotifyResponse($response->Response->Order->OrderId);
//you should response to PayU with special structure (OrderNotifyResponse)
header("Content-Type: application/json");
echo $rsp;
###Refund money
File with working example: examples/v2/refund/RefundCreate.php
You can create refund to refund money on buyer account
$refund = OpenPayU_Refund::create(
'Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01', //as a value use ORDER_ID
'Money refund', //Description - required
'100' //Amount - If not provided, returns whole transaction, optional
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