Starting June 1st 2023, this application will no longer be maintained by VTEX. The VTEX repository shall remain archived private and unchanged with the original version. Please don't share this repository with anyone external to VTEX. Internal questions only for VTEXers in this Slack channel.
The Mini Cart Free Shipping Bar is a MiniCart.v2 component that adds a progress bar to the minicart in order to display how much progress a customer has to win free shipping.
This block is only a visual guide, meaning it will not make any calculation or deduct the shipping amount from your store. You should pair this app with a Free Shipping Promotion of the same amount The amount value, can be edited inside the App Settings
The app is compatible with 5 different languages including: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.
The app has one configurable setting under My Apps section inside VTEX Admin. The setting is the amount for free shipping: expects a number. This free shipping will be indicated for the different commercial policies, in this case 4 policies have been added This will be the amount customers have to reach for the progress bar to completely fill up.
You should first install the app on the desired Account. To install run: vtex install vtexeurope.minicart-freeshipping-bar@2.x
inside the Toolbelt.
After that you should declare the app as a peerDependency on your Manifest inside your store's Store Theme:
"peerDependencies": {
"vtexeurope.minicart-freeshipping-bar": "2.x"
After this is completed, you should add the block minicart-bar inside your Store-Theme's Header under the MiniCart section:
"minicart.v2": {
"props": {
"MinicartIcon": "icon-cart#minicart-icon"
"children": ["minicart-base-content"]
"icon-cart#minicart-icon": {
"props": {
"size": 24
"minicart-base-content": {
"blocks": ["minicart-empty-state"],
"children": ["minicart-product-list", "flex-layout.row#minicart-footer"]
"flex-layout.row#minicart-footer": {
"props": {
"blockClass": "minicart-footer"
"children": ["flex-layout.col#minicart-footer"]
"flex-layout.col#minicart-footer": {
"children": ["minicart-bar","minicart-summary", "minicart-checkout-button"]
"minicart-product-list": {
"blocks": ["product-list#minicart"]
"product-list#minicart": {
"blocks": ["product-list-content-mobile"]
"minicart-summary": {
"blocks": ["checkout-summary.compact#minicart"]
"checkout-summary.compact#minicart": {
"children": ["summary-totalizers#minicart"],
"props": {
"totalizersToShow": ["Items", "Discounts"]
"summary-totalizers#minicart": {
"props": {
"showTotal": true,
"showDeliveryTotal": false
"minicart-empty-state": {
"children": ["flex-layout.row#empty-state"]
"flex-layout.row#empty-state": {
"children": ["flex-layout.col#empty-state"]
"flex-layout.col#empty-state": {
"children": [
"props": {
"horizontalAlign": "center",
"verticalAlign": "middle",
"rowGap": 5
"icon-cart#minicart-empty-state": {
"props": {
"size": 64,
"blockClass": "minicart-empty-state"
"rich-text#minicart-default-empty-state": {
"props": {
"text": "Your cart is empty."
Here is the list of available CSS Handles you can use on the store
CSS Handles |
freigthScaleContainer |
.sliderContainer |
.barContainer |
.sliderText |
.text0 |
.text1 |
.text2 |
.text3 |
.text4 |
.currencyText |