A Group Project based on ROS by Group Epsilon
Peng Xu: pxx37@case.edu
Emma: ecs89@case.edu
Kevin: kjw44@case.edu
Rick: hxy153@case.edu
Peng -- Calibration
Emma -- Motion Planning
Kevin -- Point Cloud Library
Rick -- Gripper
* more tasks are to be cleared in the process
HMI Interface
11/16 Group Established
11/17 build repo
11/18 Group meeting, 1st time
11/23 Gripper & PCL 1st Edition Merged
11/26 Tested merry_gripper in real baxter
11/28 Color_sorter 2nd edition
12/3 Pcl done!
12/4 Motionplanner done!
12/5 Begin to test integrated modules, or coordinator in real robot