Experimental API for the libvips image processing library, using the low-level gi-vips GObject introspection bindings.
Proof-of-concept only, but functional. Includes code for all libvips v8.10.6 operations. Sample hvips-exe
demonstrates applying an inverse transform and saving an image, with no GObject memory leaks.
Still TODO:
- Add optional parameters to foreign operations (loadImage, saveImage).
- Add remaining foreign operations (loadImageBuffer, saveImageBuffer, etc).
- Support custom 'VipsSource' and 'VipsTargets', with callbacks to read/write image data.
- Implement efficient support for mutable operations such as the various
operations. See, for example, ruby-vips and netvips references for this issue.
Install libvips
; this is an external dependency, not managed by stack or cabal. Recommended version is 8.10.6.
Build and run the sample app via stack.
stack exec hvips-exe -- -c <infile> <outfile>`
Infile and outfile may be different types. The type of outfile is determined by the file extension, e.g hvips.exe img.jpg img.png
. Supported image types depend on the build of libvips; see the libvips README.
The hvips bindings supports the libvips image processing operations as per the libvips docs.
Each libvips operation is exposed as a corresponding hvips function, with the 'vips_' prefix removed, and snake case converted to camel case. Mandatory parameters are arguments to the hvips function. Optional keyword parameters can be applied using the corresponding Vips.Arguments
function. The complete list of arguments (mandatory and optional) for each operation can be found in Introspection/Operations.hs. By comparison, the corresponding function in Operations.hs shows the mandatory arguments.
For example, the vips_gaussblur operation takes two mandatory parameters: in
(the source image) and sigma
. This operation also takes up to two optional parameters: precision
and min_ampl
The corresponding hvips call is therefore:
let img = someImage :: GI.Vips.Image
let sigma = 1.2 :: Double
let minAmpl' = 0.025 :: Double
let prec' = GI.Vips.PrecisionFloat
-- invoke vips_gaussblur with mandatory arguments only
out <- vips . gaussblur sigma $ img
-- alternatively, apply optional keyword arguments
out' <- vips . blur $ img
blur = gaussblur sigma <&> Arg.minAmpl minAmpl' . Arg.precision prec'
To run tests with vips memory leak checking, run:
VIPS_LEAK=true stack test
Much of the code is auto-generated by introspection over libvips, using the low-level gi-vips capabilities.
To re-generate hvips code (e.g. for a different version of libvips), install the desired version of libvips and then run:
./mkvips.sh && stack build