Access your Sony Camera via Wifi using JavaScript (Node.js or Browser) A complete platform indipendent JS Library to access the Sony Camera API
Access the Sony Remote Camera API using JavaScript. This will work in Browser or Node.js.
Currently I work on a demo project to get this running - later this might turn into a library project instead.
Run one of the following code form your commandline:
to compile the code once and every time a file changesgulp build
to compile the code once
A full list of Gulp Tasks can be found in the Gulpfile.js
Available Functions
- exports.Call Calls any not implemented function, without parameters
- exports.GetVersion
- exports.StartRecMode
- exports.StartLiveview
- exports.StopLiveview
- exports.ToggleLiveview
- exports.ActTakePicture
- exports.StartBulbShooting
- exports.StopBulbShooting
- exports.GetEvent
A full list of all supported cameras and the supported functionality please take a look at the official documentation