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yaem (Yet Another Entity Manager) is a pure @ngrx/entity porting that removes the Angular and @ngrx/store dependency so that it can be used also in React project.



I'll consider this project deprecated considering that the entity management features are now integrated directly in @redux/toolikt ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

The two most important features are Memoized selectors and an entity adapter, a simple utils that allows to manage entities in the store preserving immutability.

Memoized selector (as reselect)

Memoized selectors allow to improve React performance, reducing application rerendering. If the input state is not changed the memoized selector just returns the precomputed value without recalculate it, preserving object reference and thus allowing memoized components and Pure components to not rerender.

Feature selector

The feature selector must me the root selector of each one. It selects the part of the state under the key specified in the string as first argument. If for example the state has a root key named user:

import {createFeatureSelector} from '@xtream/yeam';
import {UserState} from '../reducers';

const selectUserState = createFeatureSelector<UserState>('user');

Simple selector

The createSelector api composes selectors together memoizing each step and returning a function.

import {createFeatureSelector, createSelector} from '@xtream/yeam';
import {UserState} from '../reducers';

const selectUserState = createFeatureSelector<UserState>('user');

const selectName = createSelector(
  state =>

const selectSurname = createSelector(
    state => state.surname

const selectCompleteName = createSelector(
    (name, surname) => `${name} ${surname}`

Entity adapter

The entity adapter is an utility to easily manage entities in the state keeping immutability. The exposed methods are

Method Usage
removeAll Clears all the entities in the state
addOne Adds one entity
addMany Adds more entities
addAll Overwrites all the entities with the provided ones
updateOne Updates an entity (does nothing if not exists)
updateMany Updates all the provided entities (does nothing if not exist)
upsertOne Updates if exists or adds if not exists
upsertMany Updates the ones that exist and adds the others
removeOne Removes entity
removeMany Removes all the provided entities
map Transforms all the entities using the provided function

All these methods require the state as parameter. Each entity is assumed to have an id property, but you can provide a selectId function to use a custom id using constructor.

For performance reason, the entity state is organized like this:

  ids: any[],
  entities : {
    [id:any]: Entity

Single update, add, or retrieve are really fast thanks to the entities map object while ids array is used to keep track of all the present entities (or to keep them in a specific order).

To let the application access the state, the entity adapter exposes 4 selectors:

Selector Usage
selectIds Gets the list of all ids
selectEntities Gets the dictionary of all the entities
selectAll Gets the complete list of entities
selectTotal Gets the number of the entities in the state

Complete example

import {createEntityAdapter, EntityState} from '@xtream/yaem';
import {User} from '../models';
import * as usersActions from '../actions'

interface UsersState extends EntityState<User> {
  selectedUserId: string | null;

const adapter = createEntityAdapter<User>({
  selectId: user => user.username,
  sortComparer: (userA, userB) => userA.subscriptionDate.localeCompare(userB.subscriptionDate)

const defaultState = adapter.getInitialState({selectedUserId: null});

export default function reducer(state: UsersState = defaultState, action: usersActions.UsersActionTypes): UsersState {

  switch (action.type) {
    case usersActions.ADD_USER_SUCCESS:
      return adapter.addOne(action.user, state);
    case usersActions.DELETE_USER_SUCCESS:
      return adapter.removeOne(action.username, state);
    case usersActions.UPDATE_USER_SUCCESS:
      return adapter.upsertOne(action.user, state);
      return state;

const {    
} = adapter.getSelectors();

export {

Who we are

A proudly 🇮🇹 software development and data science startup.
We consider ourselves a family of talented and passionate people building their own products and powerful solutions for our clients. Get to know us more on or follow us on LinkedIn.


@ngrx/entity pure javascript porting






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