This TF repo deploys on AWS a ready-to-use Ollama service, together with its front end Open WebUI service. (YouTube Demo)
These two are separate child TF modules, which can be used independently. Please refer to below for more details.
TF for ollama-service: deploys Ollama via EC2s and exposes over API Gateway
TF for open-webui-service: deploys Open WebUI via ECS Fargate
For usage and features of Ollama and Open WebUI, please refer to the official documentation below
Ollama Documentation for details about its API usage
Open WebUI documentation for details about its usage
# 1. Install Terraform
# 2. Review/Edit
# 3. Run below
terraform init
terraform apply
module "ollama_and_open_webui" {
source = "./modules/terraform-aws-self-host-llm"
region = "ap-southeast-1"
azs = ["ap-southeast-1a", "ap-southeast-1b"]
vpc_private_subnets_cidrs = ["", ""]
vpc_private_subnets_names = ["private-48-1a", "private-64-1b"]
vpc_public_subnets_cidrs = ["", ""]
vpc_public_subnets_names = ["public-0-1a", "public-16-1b"]
llm_ec2_configs = [
llm_model = "llama3:8b"
instance_type = "g5g.xlarge"
ami_id = ""
ebs_volume_gb = 200
app_port = 11434
llm_model = "qwen2:7b"
instance_type = "g5g.xlarge"
ami_id = ""
ebs_volume_gb = 200
app_port = 11434
create_api_gw = true
api_gw_disable_execute_endpoint = true
api_gw_domain = ""
api_gw_domain_route53_zone = "xxxxx"
api_gw_domain_ssl_cert_arn = "arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:xxxx:certificate/xxxxx"
open_webui_task_cpu = 1024
open_webui_task_mem = 2048
open_webui_task_count = 2
open_webui_port = 8080
open_webui_image_url = "xuyangbo/open-webui:v0.3.8"
open_webui_domain = ""
open_webui_domain_route53_zone = "xxxxxx"
open_webui_domain_ssl_cert_arn = "arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:xxxx:certificate/xxxxx"
- For Ollama, after TF apply finish, please check all AWS SSM Run Command
run to completion with success. - For Open WebUI portal, after setup, please # on the portal and continue use from there
- private subnets & public subnets
- NAT Gateway and Internet GW
- necessary VPC endpoints, route tables, nacl, default sg
Ollama running on a list of EC2
Open WebUI running on an ECS Cluster and Service
URL to access Ollama service
URL to access Open WebUI