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Vyacheslav Rusakov edited this page Jan 5, 2016 · 1 revision

Migration to version 2

Almost all custom configuration from version 1 was rewritten as gradle plugins:

Now all build specific configuration is in one small file: build.gradle

Update generator:

$ npm install -g generator-lib-java

Run generator:

$ yo lib-java

If you preserved yo-rc.json file from the previous generation then you will not have to answer questions again.

After generation, modify build.gradle:

  • if you use other plugins in project add them into plugins section
  • copy dependencies from build-deps.gradle

Now you can remove:

  • build-deps.gradle
  • all gradle scripts in gradle/ folder

You can also remove quality tools configs located in gradle/config. All default configs are used implicitly now by ru.vyarus.quality plugin.

NOTE: these configs was reworked for easier maintenance and readability (all not used checks are commented). So if you used customized configs you can either continue using them (check config names! some files have to be renamed) or setup new default configs and modify them.

After version 2 generator update function doesn't make much sense: you should manually update plugins using dependencyUpdates task and wrapper task to update bundled wrapper version (called after wrapper version change in build file).

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