Unofficial API Wrapper for OVPay. This is a work in progress and based off an undocumented api. stability is not guaranteed.
For now only the unauthenticated API routes are available, but more will follow.
- Add models
- Add support for authentication, then:
- Add support for
- Add support for
- Add support for
- Add support for
- Add working token refreshing logic
- Add better error response handling
Request trips, then request trip details:
use Lcobucci\JWT\Encoding\JoseEncoder;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\Parser;
use Xvilo\OVpayApi\Authentication\TokenMethod;
use Xvilo\OVpayApi\Client;
use Xvilo\OVpayApi\Models\Trip;
// Include dependencies
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Create JWT parser
$parser = new Parser(new JoseEncoder());
// Create API client and configure authenticated requests
$client = new Client();
$client->Authenticate(new TokenMethod($parser->parse('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs...')));
// Get payment cards
$card = $client->tokens()->getPaymentCards()[0];
// Get trips for specified Card xtat UUID
$trips = $client->trips()->getTrips($card->getExternalTransitAccountToken());
// Get last trip
$items = $trips->getItems();
/** @var Trip $trip */
$trip = end($items)->getTrip();
// Get trip details by ID
var_dump($client->trips()->getTrip($trip->getExternalBackOfficeToken(), $trip->getId()));
// class Xvilo\OVpayApi\Models\Receipt\ReceiptTrip#94 (4) {
// private readonly ?array $correctionOptions =>
// private readonly Xvilo\OVpayApi\Models\Trip $trip =>
// class Xvilo\OVpayApi\Models\Trip#131 (13) {
// private readonly string $xbot =>
// string(36) "8126d60f-bded-46d3-9a70-30915a61008b"
// private readonly int $id =>
// int(12345678)
// private readonly int $version =>
// int(1)
// private readonly string $transport =>
// string(4) "RAIL"
// private readonly string $status =>
// string(8) "COMPLETE"
// private readonly string $checkInLocation =>
// string(16) "Utrecht Centraal"
// private readonly DateTimeImmutable $checkInTimestamp =>
// class DateTimeImmutable#79 (3) {
// public $date =>
// string(26) "2022-12-30 08:55:30.000000"
// public $timezone_type =>
// int(1)
// public $timezone =>
// string(6) "+01:00"
// }
// private readonly ?string $checkOutLocation =>
// string(5) "Baarn"
// private readonly ?DateTimeImmutable $checkOutTimestamp =>
// class DateTimeImmutable#101 (3) {
// public $date =>
// string(26) "2022-12-30 09:45:30.000000"
// public $timezone_type =>
// int(1)
// public $timezone =>
// string(6) "+01:00"
// }
// private readonly string $currency =>
// string(3) "EUR"
// private readonly int $fare =>
// int(540)
// private readonly string $organisationName =>
// string(2) "NS"
// private readonly bool $loyaltyOrDiscount =>
// bool(false)
// }
// private readonly mixed $correctedFrom =>
// private readonly mixed $correctedFromType =>
// }