Sort keys of the given YAML/JSON via STDIN.
npm install -g @y13i/sort-keys-cli
The container image is also available.
Usage: sort-keys [options]
Sort keys of the given YAML/JSON.
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --depth <number> how many times to recursively sort keys in a nested object or an array
-k, --prioritize-keys <keys...> prioritize the given keys in sorting
-p, --prioritize-primitives prioritize primitive values in sorting
-o, --output <json|yaml> output format (default: "yaml")
-h, --help display help for command
echo '{"b": "foo", "a": "bar"}' | sort-keys
cat something.json | npx @y13i/sort-keys-cli -o json | jq
kubectl -n kube-system -o yaml get configmap kube-root-ca.crt | docker run --rm -i -k apiVersion kind metadata name namespace labels annotations
See y13i/sort-keys.