This program creates beautiful blurred images while preserving the edges, texture and details in them.
Basically, it's a c++ implementation of Edge-preserving multiscale image decomposition based on local extrema by Subr, Kartic, Cyril Soler, and Frédo Durand. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 28.5 (2009): 147.
Input | k=5 | k=13 |
Chihuly Garden and Glass |
Chihuly Garden and Glass |
Dean Cheng |
- OpenCV
- Eigen
$ git clone
$ cd EdgePreserving-Blur
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd EdgePreserving-Blur
$ ./build/EdgePreservingBlur ./data/input/taipei101.jpg 3
It takes 5m51.548s
to process a 1463 × 2048 image (data/input/taipei101.jpg
) with k=3 on a MacBook Pro 2014.