Release Version 1.0.1
Updates from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
Updated for k2hdkc_dbaas_override_conf - #18
Updated k2hdkc cluster construction to new logic(systemd) - #17
Corresponds to CentOS-8.3.2011 - #16
Removes the "flush_iptables" option - #15
Adds +x permissions to the dib script - #14
Uses binary packages - #13
Adds iptable rules - #12
Creates the devstack dir explicitly for the devstack official document consistency- #11
Probes nested virtualization on additional environments - #10
Fixed Header/Footer inconsistency - #9
Updated k2hr3_devpack_setup script name in build*.md - #8
Updated the k2hr3 creation script to k2hr3_utils compatiblity etc - #7
Changes the usage_timeout two times longer - #6
Makes devstack use the different ip rage with default ip range of - #5
Adds BUILD_GUEST_IMAGE variable to skip building the image - #4
Gets IP from NIC - #3
Uses systemd-resolved to resolve the client names - #2
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