- Integrate Hierapolis
- Integrate comments system
- Add user-specific menus
- Create User profile pages
- Integrate Gravatar to profile pages
- Create additional # fields
- Create database seed files
- Create users list on Admin page
- Create validations for User attributes
- Add attributes to User model
- Create controllers, models, routes and welcome pages for users Admin, Teacher and User.
- Redirect Admin, User and Teacher after login
- Create layouts for Admin, Teacher and User
- Integrate Bootstrap
- Initialize project and created models.
- Utku Demir (Kickass Developer)
- Kerem Bozdaş (Project Manager)
- Ahmet Sezgin Durmuş (Marginalist Developer)
- Yusuf Kaya Er (Hardcore Overclocker)
- Gökhan Sağırlar (Code Predator)
(Sorted descending by number of commits.)