This is C++ library to assist the generation of sql query.
Simple sample are as follows.
DBMS::soci::connector q (" *** DBMS connection string ***");
const std::vector< std::pair< table_test_1, new_table > > ret =
q.SELECT_ALL2 <table_test_1, new_table>
< new_table, table_test_1,
typename new_table::column::hoge1,
typename table_test_1::column::string_condition > >().
where (
(new_table::column::hoge >= 1) &&
(table_test_1::column::string_condition == "OK")
.group_by< typename new_table::column::hoge, typename new_table::column::hoge1 > ()
.order_by < order::desc< typename new_table::column::hoge > >());
for (const auto & i : ret)
std::cout << i.first << " : " << i.second << std::endl;
*** Motivation ***
sql is very powerful language. But it evaluate in running time. So error check is the same time. We can not detect the typo until it running.
c++ is static type language. c++ can error check in the compile time. i like c++ style error check .
When use sql query embedded in the c++ language ,
we must do twice error check.
The first is compile time and other check is running time.
I want to check the sql query and c++ language at the same time in compile time.
tiny_query_helper is library to assist the generation of sql query embedded�@in the c++ language . Design policy is make sql query mapping to the c++ 's type . In order to realize the goal , we use template metaprogramming and external program.
*** Ststus ***
These are just proto type code.
*** Dependency ***
�EBoost library
�ESOCI - The C++ Database Access Library