This repository is implementation of my project for Artificial Intelligence course. In this project, AlexNet deep CNN model [1] has been utilized to classify sketch objects and TU Berlin sketch dataset [2] has been used in order to train classifier model. Moreover, shortcomings will be improved in time.
Note: In the next version, the classification and user interface will work in different threads. Besides, the training codes (both TensorFlow 1.x and 2.0 versions) will be uploaded soon.
- TensorFlow 1.7 or later
- Python 3
- Tkinter 8.6.8
- Pillow 5.4.1
- OpenCV 3.1
- Pynput 1.4.2
- Numpy 1.14.2
This code is tested with Titan X GPUs.
The pretrained AlexNet model can be downloaded here:
For details about sketch classification experiments, please check our paper.
For citation:
title={Sketch classification with deep learning models},
author={Eyiokur, Fevziye {\.I}rem and Yaman, Do{\u{g}}ucan and Ekenel, Haz{\i}m Kemal},
booktitle={2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},
The script is based on this implementation.
[1] A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, G. E. Hinton, ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2012.
[2] M. Eitz, J. Hays, M. Alexa, How do humans sketch objects?, ACM Trans. Graph. 31.4:44-1, 2012.